IOBC 2023 - Call for Papers
The Sixth Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC)
January 3rd-5th, 2023
Following the success of the previous Israel Organizational Behavior Conferences (IOBC), we are pleased to announce the call for papers for the Sixth IOBC, to be held at Tel-Aviv University between January 3rd and 5th 2023. Sponsored by Tel Aviv University, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, The Hebrew University, Haifa University, Bar Ilan University, the Ben Gurion University of the Negev, and co-sponsored by the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management (AOM) and Academy of Management Discoveries, the sixth conference will focus on Rethinking Collaboration and Coordination in Work and in Organizations.
The tentative program features keynote presentations by Cary Cooper [the 2023 IOBC Lifetime Achievement Award winner (Cary L Cooper | The University of Manchester)], Batia Wiesenfeld ( and Allison Gabriel ( The IOBC will offer a unique opportunity to explore how collaboration and coordination in work organizations have been influenced by the pandemic and the application of AI and machine learning technologies in the workplace. The conference will also provide numerous opportunities to share work-in-progress, receive feedback and interact with leading scholars in the field with the opportunity to forge fruitful and on-going collaborations.
Collaboration and coordination in work and organizations are core topics in organizational behavior, with rich literatures on each. However, recent advances have highlighted how much more there is to learn about both of these topics. For example, in the past decade organizational scholars have explored the impact of positive work relationships on organizational coordination and collaboration, (Bolton, Logan, & Gittell, 2021; Dutton & Ragins, 2017; Gardner, 2016), as well as factors driving a shift in the nature of collaboration between top management teams and the boards to which they report (Garg & Eisenhardt, 2017; Westphal, 1999; Shen, 2003; Srour, Shefer, & Carmeli, 2021). Moreover, the new reality imposed by Covid 19, combined with advances in AI and machine learning, are beginning to transform the way individuals, teams and entire organizations collaborate and coordinate their activities. This has resulted in a burst of new research examining the implications of related phenomena on cooperation and collaboration, as well as on the mechanisms driving such processes and their consequences at various levels of analysis (Betsch, 2020; Betsch, et al., 2020; Dai, Saccardo, Han, et al., 2021; Milkman, et al., 2021; Plonsky, Roth & Erev, 2021).
In this context, we welcome submissions relating to the theme of collaboration and coordination in work and organizations. We invite submissions applying both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and building on any organization-related discipline (e.g., management; I/O, cognitive and neuro-psychology; labor and behavioral economics; sociology). Among the questions and issues that we hope conference participants will address in their submissions are:
- How do leaders influence coordination and collaboration in the workplace?
- How can individuals and teams compete and collaborate simultaneously?
- What is the role of gender and other identity dimensions in facilitating collaboration and coordination?
- What insights can we glean from the pandemic regarding the consequences of virtual cooperation and collaboration?
- What factors moderate the degree to which collaboration is harmful or beneficial?
- How does resource scarcity impact cooperation and collaboration?
- What are the dark sides of coordination and collaboration, and what factors drive such “dark” (e.g., unethical) coordination and collaboration?
- What factors foster collaborative relationship among and between gig workers and conventional employees?
- Is there an optimal way to collaborate and coordinate across geographically dispersed teams?
- How can we increase newcomer coordination and collaboration when working remotely?
- What factors drive individuals to collaborate and compete with AI?
- What are the costs and benefits of human-machine collaborations?
- How should human-machine decision making interactions be structured?
- What factors impact human trust in machine-based suggestions and decisions?
- How do work engagement and burnout affect employees’ willingness and ability to collaborate?
Submissions unrelated to the conference theme will also be considered for the scholarly program. The scholarly program will include a parallel track showcasing important and interesting studies exploring non-theme related OB topics.
Call for Papers - pdf file >>
Call for papers and symposia
Primary consideration will be given to submissions (individual papers or symposia; symposia should comprise no more than four studies) relating to the conference theme. However, we also encourage the submission of high-quality papers and symposia on more general topics in Organizational Behavior for presentation in the conference’s general/OB track.
Proposals (2–3-page abstract for a paper ,9-10-page proposal for a symposium) can be conceptual or empirical, quantitative or qualitative. Published papers or papers accepted for publication prior to the submission deadline should NOT be submitted. Submissions will go through a double-blind review process and will be evaluated based on scientific rigor, relevance, and contribution to organizational behavior. Paper and symposia proposals should be uploaded in Word or PDF format to the conference website (see below).
Decisions will be communicated via email by the end of September. Authors of accepted papers will be informed whether their papers have been accepted for presentation in an interactive session or as a poster. Authors of accepted papers (whether part of a symposium or individually submitted) will be required to register for the conference by November 15th, 2022.
Conference Format
The main conference will open with a welcome reception on the evening of January 3rd. Plenary sessions featuring keynote addresses, as well as interactive paper presentations and poster presentation sessions, will be held on January 4th and 5th. In each interactive session, authors will be given 15 minutes to present and a discussant will offer integrative critique and suggestions. Poster presentation sessions will be structured so as to provide authors with ample opportunities to present and discuss their papers with interested colleagues.
Pre-Conference Workshops
Two pre-conference workshops will be held on January 3rd at the Coller School of Management.
- Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortium
Participants in the consortium will enjoy the opportunity to discuss their research in an informal and collegial atmosphere, and receive feedback from top scholars and editors of leading journals. The consortium will consist of two career development sessions and an editorial panel session, followed by round-table discussions of participants’ work-in-progress. Participants wishing to receive personal feedback on a working paper can submit a short draft of their work when they register for the consortium so long as they do so by the registration deadline.
- Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD) Registered Reports Workshop
A registered report is a submission that includes the front end of (i.e., introduction, methods, and analysis plan) of a planned or completed study, but not the results or discussion section. Such reports are evaluated by AMD on the basis of the importance of the topic, the merit of the selected analytic approach, methodological rigor and quality, and consistency with the editorial mission of AMD. Participants in this workshop will receive feedback from an AMD facilitator on a registered report in-progress. A number of reports developed in this workshop may be invited for submission to, and potential publication in AMD. More information on registered reports at AMD can be found here. Participants wishing to participate in the workshop should submit a draft of their report when they register for the conference.
IOBC Best Paper Award
Select papers will be nominated as finalists for the IOBC Best Paper Award. Finalists will be asked to submit a full paper for an additional blind-review process. The winner of the Best Paper Award will receive a $500 cash prize. The winning paper will be announced in the concluding session of the conference.
Conference Location and Accommodation
IOBC 2023 will be held at the Coller School of Management at Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Conference hotels will offer special rates. Details regarding accommodations will be posted on the conference website soon.
Family Friendly Conference
With the winter in full swing in many parts of the world, Israel’s mild weather combined with its fabulous tourist attractions is perfect for bringing your family along.
Conference Registration & Fees
Registration will open in October, 2022. The registration fee includes a dinner welcome reception, two breakfasts, and two lunches. \
Early registration fee: $200 (available until November 15, 2022)
Early registration fee for students: $100* (must provide valid student ID)
Late registration fee: $250 (from Nov. 16 and on-site)
Late registration fee for students: $150 (must provide valid student ID)
*Students from one of the sponsoring schools may be eligible for further discounts on a first come, first served basis.
Cancellations on or before December 5th 2022 are subject to refund minus a 20% cancellation/processing fee. After this date, no refunds are possible. 'No shows' are non-refundable.
Registration fee for retirees: $100
Conference Co-organizers
Nava Michael-Tsabari, Tel Aviv University
Peter Bamberger, Tel Aviv University
Michal Biron, Haifa University
Dana Vashdi, Haifa University
Shoham Choshen-Hillel, the Hebrew University
Ronit Kark, Bar-Ilan University
Simone Moran, Ben-Gurion University
Anat Rafaeli, Technion
Ella Miron Spector, INSEAD, France
Nathalie Sheffer, Tel Aviv University
Scientific Committee
John Antonakis, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Neal Ashkanasy, University of Queensland, Australia
Frank Belschak, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Yair Berson, New York University, USA
Paula Brough, Griffith University, Brisbane Australia
Suzanne Chan-Serafin, University of New South Wales, Australia
Gilad Chen, University of Maryland, USA
Bonnie Cheng, Hong Kong University, HK
Marie Dasborough, University. of Miami, USA
Sophie De Winne, KU Leuven, Belgium
Dov Eden, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Olga Epitropaki, Durham University, UK
Miriam Erez, Technion, Israel
Yitzhak Fried, Texas Tech University, USA
Michele Gelfand, Stanford University, USA
Adam Grant, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA
Nir Halevy, Stanford University, USA
Uriel Haran, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Daniel Heller, Tel Aviv University, Israel
David Hoffman, University of North Carolina, USA
Maryam Kouchaki, Northwestern University, USA
Elliot Lasson, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
Julia Lee, University of Michigan, USA
Emma Levine, University of Chicago, USA
Gil Luria, Haifa University, Israel
Babis (Charalampos) Mainemelis, Alba Graduate Business School, Greece
Ron Picollo, University of Central Florida, USA
Shaul Shalvi, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sim Sitkin, Duke University, USA
Niro Sivanathan, London Business School, UK
Kristin Smith-Crowe, Boston University, USA
Mary Sully de Luque, Arizona State University, USA
Gerben van Kleef, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Daan van Knippenberg, Drexel University, USA
Christian Voegtlin, Audencia Business School, France
Lie Wang, Peking University, China
Ingo Weller, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Mina Westman, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Mo Wang, University of Florida, USA
Xu Huang, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK