The Fifth Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC)

January 5th-7th, 2020

Conference Topic:

Power, Leadership, and Ethics in Organizations

Following the success of previous Israel Organizational Behavior Conferences (IOBC), we are pleased to announce the call for papers for the  Fifth IOBC. It will be held at Tel Aviv University on January 5-7, 2020. Sponsored by Tel Aviv University, The Hebrew University, Ben-Gurion University, and the Technion, and co-sponsored by the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management (AOM) and Academy of Management Discoveries, the fifth conference will focus on power, leadership, and ethics in organizations. 

The tentative program features Barry Staw (Berkeley), Maurice Schweitzer (University of Pennsylvania) and Deanne den Hartog (University of Amsterdam)as keynote speakers. IOBC will offer a unique opportunity to explore recent developments and new directions in power, ethics and leadership in organizations. The conference will provide numerous opportunities to share work-in-progress, get feedback, and interact with leading scholars in the field to forge fruitful and on-going collaborations.

Click here to view and download the initial conference schedule. 

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