

Corporate Finance & Investments explores the strategic decisions that an organization makes in its capital spending. The risk element in financial decision making and the financial instruments that have evolved to reallocate risk in the economy are discussed.


Strategic Financial Management examines important concepts and principles of financial management, using both a review of theory and cases. The course emphasizes valuation skills as a means to bring together cost of capital, financing, and operating issues faced by the firm.


International Finance offered by Kellogg in Miami / Lisbon

Contemporary Issues about Chinese Financial Markets and Institutions offered by Kellogg-Guanghua

Value Investing offered by Kellogg-HKUST & in Miami

Mergers and Acquisitions Strategy offered by Kellogg-Schulich

Entrepreneurial Finance offered by Kellogg-WHU

FinTech Strategy: Innovations in Financial Services offered by Kellogg in Evanston

Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital offered by Kellogg in Evanston



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