AMD workshop

The workshop will be held in room 406

An in-person paper development workshop with an emphasis on Registered Reports

AMD is offering a unique opportunity for management scholars to develop their work for possible publication in AMD. The workshop will be led by AMD Editor Kevin Rockmann and former AMD Editor Peter Bamberger

The workshop will consist of two parts: Part 1 will constitute a plenary session that will be onsite and face-to-face and open to anyone interested in learning about AMD. This will take place from 9:00 – 12:00. Part 2 will consist of a hybrid paper workshop, where the facilitators will work with authors on their projects. Part 2 will take place from 13:00 – 15:00. There will be a one-hour break for lunch between Part 1 and Part 2Participants can register for one or both parts of the workshop. Those who wish to participate in Part 2 should submit an extended abstract (no more than 10 pages of text). Extended abstracts should be double spaced, excluding tables, figures and references. Participants wishing to participate in the workshop, will submit a draft of their report when they register for the conference.

Registration and more details

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