Global Elective Courses

Each program in the Kellogg Global Network invites participants in the other programs to study with its students for two courses in a Global Elective Week. During this week the students study 2 courses.

Optional: Global Elective module at Kellogg Evanston

Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Reorganization Methods

Leading Organizational Transformation

Visualization for Persuasion

Entrepreneurial Selling

Social Dynamics and Network Analysis


Optional: Hybrids Global Elective module in Kellogg-Schulich, Toronto, Canada

Designing Brand Experience

Leadership in Responsible Business


Optional: Global Elective module at Kellogg Miami

Global Corporate Restructuring

Intellectual Capital Management

Leading High Impact Teams

Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital

Launching and Leading Startups

Advertising Strategy 

Human and Machine Intelligence

Investment Banks, Hedge Funds and Private Equity 

Creating and Managing Strategic Alliances

FinTech Strategy: Innovations in Financial Services

Business Strategy, Behavioral Biases, and Deep Uncertainty

World Economy 

Family Enterprises: Success and Continuity

Leader Development Models and Practices

Growing Businesses, Growing People

Strategy Beyond Markets

Beyond Diversity: The Fundamentals of Inclusive Leadership

Strategic Marketing Decisions


Optional: Global Elective Module Lisbon

International Finance

Strategic Brand Management


Optional: Global Elective Module New-York / London

Strategies for Growth


Optional: Global Elective module in Kellogg-Guanghu,  Beijing, China

The New Era of Marketing in China

Political Economy


Optional: Global Elective module in Kellogg-HKUST, Hong Kong

Value Investing

Understanding Consumer Psychology

Technology Strategy: Fintech and Big Data

Deal Making in China and Asia


Optional: Global Elective module in Kellogg-WHU, Vallendar, Germany

Entrepreneurial Finance

Leveraging Collaboration for Innovation

Managing People for Competitive Advantage

Business Tax Strategy


Popup Course - Phase Zero – Chicago/ San Francisco/ New York / Tel Aviv



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