General Information

Recommended Apps and Websites


  • Moovit is a public transit app and mapping service which features trip planning, live arrival and departure times, up-to-date line schedules, local station maps, service alerts, and advice that may be relevant to one’s current trip. It currently supports mobile Android, Windows devices, and has a web version, Moovit on Web.
  • Gett - previously known as GetTaxi, is an Israeli-based startup that connects customers with taxi drivers. Customers can order a cab either through the company’s website, or by using the company’s GPS-based smartphone app. The app is compatible with iPhone and Android platforms. 
  • Israel railways
  • Egged buses (Israel’s prime bus company)
  • Dan buses (operates public bus service in the Gush Dan area Tel Aviv and the surrounding suburbs)
  • Tel Aviv University website
  • Coller School of Management website
  • TAU map
  • Tours in Tel Aviv
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