The Behavioral Laboratory


Useful Links


  • Instructions on submitting a request to the Ethics Committee
  • Guidance on using the research management system
  • Entry into the research management system



Resources of the Laboratory


This laboratory deals with a range of research areas relating to areas of interest such as organizational behavior, consumer behavior, marketing and more.

The laboratory manages two types of research:

  1. Laboratory studies that are carried out physically in laboratories of the university in the Coller School building.
  2. Studies that are carried out by means of the internet with participation through any computer that is connected to the net.


In charge of the laboratory: 

Irit Nitzan

Laboratory telephone: 03-6405803




Determining the Value of a Research Study in Points


Research studies carried out physically in the laboratory will receive points depending on the time the subjects are required to be in the laboratory:  one hour of research time equals 60 points.  The point value of online research will be as follows: 


Experiment Time in Minutes

Number of Points to be Credited to the Subject








Note:  It is not recommended to conduct online experiments if they take more than half an hour



Booking Laboratory Time

Laboratory time should be booked at least a week ahead of the designated experiment, in order to allow the laboratory to be prepared and the participants in the experiment to be invited.


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