Undergraduate Summer Program - 2025
August 3-15, 2025
The Coller International Undergraduate Summer program is a comprehensive short-term program designed to provide undergraduate students from Coller and partner institutions an opportunity to expand their knowledge on a wide range of topics, including Cybersecurity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Data Analytics, and Digital Marketing. Instructors and course topics vary from year to year.
Program Highlights
English-language courses for both Coller and visiting international students
- Internationally renowned visiting instructors
- Special guest speakers and corporate visits
- Credit-bearing courses - 2 ECTS per course
Course Structure
- Two-Week Session
- Nine Class meetings
- 2.5 hour classes: 9-12:00-, 14:00-17:00 (half-hour break)
- 22 contact hours each course (including company visits)
Experiential Learning
- Visits to innovation centers/local companies
- Industry practitioners as guest speakers
- Hands-on case studies and workshops
Course Offering 2025
1224.4556 Scaling Your Venture
How do the most successful founders transform their idea into a large, fast-growing company? Scaling Your Venture answers this question by investigating three fundamental questions
- What are the stages an organization must go through to turn a new business idea into a fast-growing public company?
- How can leaders capture the opportunities and overcome the challenges at each stage?
- How can CEOs assess their ability to lead their organization through the next stage of scaling?
1224.4555 Digital Transformation for Managers: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain, and Cybersecurity
The digital economy is undergoing rapid evolution, impacting every aspect of our lives, and this is just the beginning of an accelerating advancement. Cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI/ML), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cybersecurity are the five pioneering technologies revolutionizing business operations and transforming key aspects of our society. Understanding and leveraging these technologies enables managers from all sectors to not only navigate their organizations through these changes but also to harness them for strategic advantage.
- August 3-14, 2025
- Two-week courses
- 9 class meetings, 2.5 in-class hours, 9:30-12:15; 14:00-17:15
- 22 contact hours each course (including company visit)
Example Schedule (May slightly differ from the actual schedule)
Sun |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Week of August 3 |
Arrival, Orientation, & opening event |
Class 1 |
Class 2 |
Class 3 |
Class 4 (Off-campus trip) |
Day Off |
Day Off |
Week of August 10 |
Class 5 |
Class 6 Networking event |
Class 7 |
Class 8 |
Presentations and certificate event |
Departure |
- 2 Coller credits/4 ECTS - each course
- Freemovers tuition fee: US$1200 per course/US$2000 per session.
- Exchange students' administrative fee: US$300 per session
- Coller Students: no additional fees
For Coller student registration: collerex@tauex.tau.ac.il
Nomination Deadline: May15, 2025
Students from partner schools can be nominated as part of the general exchange agreement on a 3:1 basis.
Nominations will be submitted by the home university's coordinator through an online nomination form (will be sent via email).
Application (Freemovers only)
Application Deadline for freemovers: May 15, 2025
Student freemovers can apply without being nominated, however, freemovers from both partner schools and non-partner schools will need permission from their international office.
For more information and questions contact: collerex@tauex.tau.ac.il