Application - Undergraduate

  • Who Can Apply?
  • Visa Information
  • Health Insurance

Who Can Apply?

The 2024-25 academic year invites undergraduate students to participate in the Coller Exchange Program! 


► Students from Partner Schools

Exchange students from one of our partner universities must apply for an exchange via their home university's international office.

For a list of partner universities click here.


Application Requirements

  1. Formal exchange nomination sent by home school.

  2. All courses are taught in English.
    A high level of English proficiency is required. If your home school is not affiliated with PIM we require one of the following:

  • TOEFL: We require a minimum of 100 on the internet-based test and 250 on the computer-based test.

  • IELTS: We require a minimum of 7.

  • Students who are currently studying for their entire degree in English may submit a letter from their home university confirming English proficiency in lieu of an English proficiency Exam.

  • An official letter from an English expert at the home university confirming a B2 English level or above.


Tuition: Partner-school students do not pay additional tuition to Tel Aviv University.


Nomination Deadlines

Fall Term: May 31st, 2024

Summer Term: November 15th, 2024


► Students from Non-Partner Schools

Exchange students from non-partner universities can apply as Free Movers


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