Clone of The 10th TAU Finance Conference

Tel Aviv Finance Conference

Tel Aviv University

Coller  School of Management

December 17-18 & 19, 2019



Tuesday December 17



Registration and light refreshment





Opening remarks and welcome

Moshe Zviran (Dean)

Session I: Chair - Andrew Ellul (Indiana)

Debt, Innovation, and Growth

Thomas Geelen (Copenhagen Business School), Jakub Hajda (HEC Lausanne), and Erwan Morellec (EPF Lausanne)

Discussant: Vincent Maurin (Stockholm School of Economics)


International Monetary Theory: A Risk Perspective   

Markus K. Brunnermeier (Princeton), Yuliy Sannikov (Stanford)
Discussant: Hengjie Ai (Minnesota)                                            




Coffee break


Session II: Chair Yaron Leitner (Washington University)

Common Ownership and Startup Growth                                                                                              
Ofer Eldar (Duke), Jillian Grennan (Duke), Katherine Waldock (Georgetown)
Discussant: James Albertus (Carnegie Mellon)


Informational Efficiency in Securitization After Dodd-Frank            
Sean J. Flynn Jr. (Colorado State), Andra Ghent (Wisconsin), Alexei Tchistyi (UIUC)
Discussant: Claudia Robles-Garcia (Stanford)




Coffee break


Choosing to Disagree in Financial Markets                                                                               
Snehal Banerjee (UCSD), Jesse Davis (UNC), Naveen Gondhi (INSEAD)
Discussant: Francesca Zucchi (Federal Reserve Board)


Wednesday December 18



Gathering and light breakfast


Session III: Michael Gofman (Rochester)

The Maturity Premium

Maria Chaderina (University of Oregon ), Patrick Weiss (Vienna Graduate School of Finance), Josef Zechner (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Discussant: Jennie Bai (Georgetown)

Horizon Bias and the Term Structure of Equity Returns                                                                     
Stefano Cassella (Tilburg), Benjamin Golez (Notre Dame), Huseyin Gulen (Prudue), Peter Kelly (Notre Dame)
Discussant: Michael Weber (Chicago)




Coffee break


Session IV: Chair –  David Goldreich (Toronto) 

Leverage Risk and Investment: The Case of Gold Clauses in the 1930s                                                
Joao Gomes (Wharton), Mete Kilic (USC), Sebastien Plante (Wisconsin)
Discussant: Zack Liu (University of Houston)

Financing the Response to Climate Change: The Pricing and Ownership of U.S. Green Bonds Malcolm Baker (Harvard), Daneil Bergstresser (Brandeis), George Serafeim (Harvard), Jeffrey Wurgler (NYU)
Discussant: Paola Pederzoli (University of Houston)



Lunch at the 2nd floor patio


Session V: Chair -  Amir Rubin (IDC & Simon Fraser)

Shale Shocked: The Long Run Effect of Wealth on Household Debt”, J. Anthony Cookson (Colorado Boulder), Erik P. Gilje (Wharton), Rawley Z. Heimer (Boston College)
Discussant: Yaron Levi (USC)

Crowdsourcing Financial Information to Change Spending Behavior                                                            
Francesco D’Acunto (Boston College), Alberto G. Rossi (Maryland), Michael Weber (Chicago) Discussant: Tao Li (University of Florida)



Thursday December 19



Day trip. Bus leaves from TAU campus


Return to TAU campus

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