Clone of The 10th TAU Finance Conference
Tel Aviv Finance Conference
Tel Aviv University
Coller School of Management
December 17-18 & 19, 2019
Tuesday December 17
13:00-13:30 |
Registration and light refreshment |
Opening remarks and welcome Moshe Zviran (Dean) Session I: Chair - Andrew Ellul (Indiana) Debt, Innovation, and Growth Thomas Geelen (Copenhagen Business School), Jakub Hajda (HEC Lausanne), and Erwan Morellec (EPF Lausanne) Discussant: Vincent Maurin (Stockholm School of Economics)
International Monetary Theory: A Risk Perspective Markus K. Brunnermeier (Princeton), Yuliy Sannikov (Stanford) |
15:15-15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45-17:15 |
Session II: Chair – Yaron Leitner (Washington University) Common Ownership and Startup Growth
Informational Efficiency in Securitization After Dodd-Frank |
17:15-17:30 |
Coffee break |
17:30-18:15 |
Choosing to Disagree in Financial Markets |
Wednesday December 18
08:30-09:30 |
Gathering and light breakfast |
09:30-11:00 |
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee break |
11:30:13:00 |
Session IV: Chair – David Goldreich (Toronto) Leverage Risk and Investment: The Case of Gold Clauses in the 1930s Financing the Response to Climate Change: The Pricing and Ownership of U.S. Green Bonds Malcolm Baker (Harvard), Daneil Bergstresser (Brandeis), George Serafeim (Harvard), Jeffrey Wurgler (NYU)
13:00-14:30 |
Lunch at the 2nd floor patio |
14:30-16:00 |
Thursday December 19
07:45 |
Day trip. Bus leaves from TAU campus |
19:30 |
Return to TAU campus |