Technology and Information Management


Researchers in the Technology and Information Management specialization are concerned with the way in which technology changes the business world, the organizations and the society around us.  These issues include the design and use of information technologies, the management of information and data resources, economic influences of new technologies, electronic commerce, crowdfunding and uses of data in medicine.

The research covers a range of approaches, including the use of data analytics and machine learning, the construction of models of consumer and user behavior, and their examination in the laboratory and the field, as well as the development and evaluation of economic models.


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Prof. Gal Oestreicher-Singer

Full Professor

Dr. Inbal Yahav Shenberger

Associate Professor

Dr. Sagit Bar-Gill

Senior Lecturer

Prof. Tomer Geva

Associate Professor


Dr. Hilah Levin Geva

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Shachar Reichman

Senior Lecturer

Head of Technology and Information 
Management Department


Prof. Lior Zalmanson

Associate Professor

Dr. Yael Inbar


Dr. Moshe Unger



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