Strategic Management
The research in managerial strategy at Tel Aviv University focuses on trying to understand the variance in the performance of firms at both the single business unit level and the corporate level. We try to understand issues such as strategic entrepreneurship and knowledge creation, processes of strategic decision making, the influence of CEOs, senior management and boards of directors of the firm, building strategic capability, mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, and international and global strategic management. Our interests cover strategic and managerial issues that are relevant to very small-, small-, and medium-size firms, and to very large corporations.
Many of our studies use empirical research methods, mainly the analysis of data from databases on firms over the course of time and surveys that we conduct at firms among managers and various stakeholders. The research methods integrate both quantitative and qualitative research.
Once a week we hold a seminar where leading researchers from Israel and abroad present their work. Once a year, we hold a conference at which we host scholars of international repute to present the latest research in the area.
Full Professor Head of Managerial Strategy Department
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer |
Senior Lecturer |