Innovations in Management
An academic journal published by the Coller School of Management.
The journal is a platform dedicated to reporting on the latest trends and advances in management research in technology, organization and the business environment. The journal publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers and critical review articles and appears twice a year.
Innovations in Management
Journal of The Coller school of Management
Prof. Moshe Zviran
Prof. Dan Amiram
Associate Editors
Prof. Gal Oestreicher-Singer
Prof. Nisan Langberg
Prof. Yael Steinhart
Prof. Carmit Tadmor
Editorial Board
Prof. Yossi Aviv
Prof. Itai Ater
Prof. Eli Amir
Prof. Danny Ben-Shahar
Prof. Jacob Glazer
Prof. Orly Yeheskel
Dr. Jacob Oded
Copy Editor
Udi Levinger
Copy Editor - English
Gerda Kessler
Prof. Sharon Toker
Copy Center
Editorial Address
Coller School of Management
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 6997801
Tel: 03-6408720, Fax: 03-6409983
© Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
לחץ כאן לגיליונות בעברית של חידושים בניהול >>
Below are links to the table of contents of the issues published thus far:
Prof. Danny Ben-Shahar, Dr. Roni Golan, Prof. Dan Weiss, Prof. Abraham Carmeli, Dr. Eyal Sulganik
Dr. Liat Eldor, Dr. Michal Hodor
Or-Avishay Rizi
The Effects of Reducing Maximum Prices During Periods of Declining Prices
Dr.Britt Hadar, Yotam Liel, Dr. Lior Zalmanson, Prof. Gal Oestreicher-Si
Speaking Up in Online Labor Platforms
Prof. Shlomit D. Zuta
Should an excess profit tax be imposed on Israeli banks? A global perspective.
Prof. Dan Weiss, Gal Valla, Eden Harush, Tal Halimi, Eliran Nudel
"We Were Wrong!" - On Errors in Financial Statements
Ohad Atad, Prof. Yaron Yehezkel
Dr. Dor Lee-Lo, Prof. Nisan Langberg
The information content in financial markets
Prof. Dan Weiss, Prof. Talia Einhorn
Avihay Chriqui, Dr. Tomer Geva
Predicting Joint Worker Performance in Sequential Tasks in Online Markets
Dr. Yael Elraz Shapira, Prof. Moshe Zviran
Case Study: COVID-19 crisis management in Bnei Brak
Prof. Danit Ein-Gar, Yogev Talias
Women, men, or bots; who is better at customer service in the digital age?
Itai Linzen, Prof. Yael Steinhart, Prof. Ziv Carmon
AI Can Help Counter Self-Threats
Prof. Ayala Arad
Strategic Thinking in Competitive Environments: Experimental Evidence and Behavioral Models
Prof. Eti Einhorn
Strategic communication between a state and its citizens
Prof. Evgeny Lyandres
Prof. Orly Yeheskel, Saul Ron
Management and Leadership in Chaotic Turbulence
Dr. Yael Inbar
Dr. Peter Pal Zubcsek
Consumer Privacy and Marketing Insights in Mobile Location Data: A Win-Lose Situation?
Prof. Danit Ein-Gar
Case Study: Seatback - A Startup with a Health Vision
Carmit Tadmor, Yossi Spiegel
Narcissistic leadership: The question is not if we need it but till when?
Ravit Cohen Meitar
How to develop organizational resilience in times of disruption and disturbance
Nava Michael Tsabari, Peter Bamberger
All in the Family? Reward practices in Family Versus Non-family Trucking Companies
Isaac Tibi
Boredom: An exciting construct - Risks and opportunities for marketers
Jacob Hornik
A Comparative statistical meta-analysis of persuasive advertising strategies
Ido Sivan-Sevilla, Lior Zalmanson
Information Systems in the Service of Adaptive Climate Regulatory Response
Yair Antler
The negative implications of advances in search technologies for two-sided markets
Michael Leshem, Sivan Frenkel
Shadow Banking - Securitization, non-bank financial intermediation and the new liquidity crises
Jacob Zahavi
Applications of Survival Analysis in the Domains of Management and Social Sciences
Eli Amir, Daniel Libermann
What can we learn from the composition of academic faculty in business schools?
Liat Hadar, David Tannebum, Craig R. Fox
Ari Achiaz, Moshe Zviran
The relationship between an independent legal system and economic achievements
Liat Eldor
Jackie Goren, Moshe Zviran
ESG perception among executives and directors in publicly-traded companies in Israel
Itai Ater, Oren Rigbi
Price Transparency, Media and Informative Advertising
Yaron Yehezkel, Ido Eisdorfer
The Quality of Content in Competition Between Social Media Platforms
Shoshi Chen
Leadership and Influence - Through the Lens of Resources and Crossover
Moshe Unger, Jacob Zahavi
Neural Networks – From Theory to Practice
Leo Leiderman, Victor Bahar
Expectations' Dynamics under an Inflation-Targeting Monetary Regime
Shany Azaria, Boaz Ronen, Noam Shamir
Manufacturing Justice: The Value of Looking at the Legal System through Operations Management Eyes
Inbal Yahav, Avihay Chriqui
Natural Language Processing: Developing models for the Hebrew language
Zvika Afik, Elroi Hadad, Rami Yosef
Yaniv Shani
Ilanit SimanTov-Nachlieli
Sarit Erez
Jacob Oded
Shareholders Activism and Its Impact on Corporate Governance Quality and Corporate Value
Danna Tevet, Shai Danziger, Irit Nitzan
Marketing Exclusion: When Loyalty Program Customers Feel Like Outsiders
Oneg Singer, Ilanit SimanTov-Nachlieli
Yochai Rafaelli
The Infinite Cloning of the Ultimate Seller
Eli Amir, Shlomi Shuv
A Revised Model for Consolidated Financial Statements
Boaz Ronen, Alex Coman
Are you passing by your digitalization opportunities? Reengineering for the digitalization age
Eyal Benjamin
Significant Business Development
Jacob Zahavi
Survey of Pitfalls in Building and Implementing Predictive Analytic Models
Noa Fogel, Uriel Stettner
It’s about Time! Learning Races in Strategic Alliances
Eli Amir, Shai Levi, Menachem (Meni) Abudy, Efrat Shust
Hilla Dotan
Practical Tools for Effective Management of Virtual Negotiations
Chen Pundak
Are Online Public Shamers Vicious or Caring? Moral Considerations
in Online Public Shaming
Natalia Kononov and Orly Bareket
Me, Myself and I: The Cognitive Cost of Video Chatting on Zoom
Yossi Yitshaki and Abraham Carmeli
Managers have the Influence and Ability to Increase the Level of
Agility in Organizations
Sharon Toker and Einat Yaor
Thoughts Wander Away ׳ Mind Wandering at Work: When Employee
from Their Tasks
Vered Zingher and Ishak Saporta
Unions, CEO Compensation and Income Inequality
Danit Ein-Gar
Who Donates More – Rich in Heart or Rich in Pocket? The
Relationship between Objective and Subjective Wealth on Donationgiving
Michael Leshem and Sivan Frenkel
Liquidity Crises in the Banking System
Itai Ater and Nir S. Yoseph
The Impact of Environmental Fraud on the Used Car Market:
Evidence from Dieselgate
Neta Gilat
The effect of Internal and External Supervision Authorities on the
Information Value of Disclosures
Tamar Sagiv, Odeya Pergament and Efrat Yonas
Place and Creative Organizations: Comparative Case Study of Three
Dance-Theater Troupes
Vladimir Gurevitz, Asher Tishler, Irena Milstein, Jacob
Newman and Shimon Frant
Capacity, Production and Prices in Competitive Electricity Market in
Israel: 2025-2050
Moshe Zviran and Jacob Mendel
BoardTech – Information Technologies and Technological Innovation in the Boardroom
Natalie Shefer
Making Teleworking Work: Challenges and Recommendations
Menachem (Meni) Abudy, Dan Amiram, Oded Rozenbaum and Efrat Shust
The Effects of the Law Limiting Executive Compensation in Financial Companies
Evgeny Lyandres
Determinants of Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) Success
Eyal Rechter and Gil Avnimelech
How Startup Accelerators Enhance Women Entrepreneurship in Israel
Meyrav Shoham, Sarit Moldovan and Yael Steinhart
Leaps and Tweaks: How a Small Numerical Difference Can Have a Big Impact
Dino Levy, Dotan Persitz and Vered Kurtz-David
Mind Boggling: The Neural Traits of Irrational Behavior
Dan Amiram and Erez Bader
The Effects of Regulations on Financial Information Systems of Public Companies in Israel on the
Quality of their Financial Statements
Sharon Toker, Nava Michael-Tsabari and Tamar Sagiv
Emotional Processes in Teams from Two Perspectives: Top-Down & Bottom-Up
Jacob Zahavi
Optimization and Artificial Intelligence in the World of Big Data
Dan Weiss, Aviv Betzalel, Assaf Friedmann, Elsa Mouysset and Shoham Nistel
Does a Replacement of the Accounting Firm Affect Audit Fees?
Tsafrir Livne
What Happens When Vendors Self-Certify Information on Vulnerabilities in Their Products?
Abraham Carmeli
Crisis Management: A Few Notes on Coping with COVID-19 in Israel
Boaz Ronen, Alex Coman, Joseph Pliskin and Moshe Leshno
Managing the Next Pandemic Crisis: A Resource-Focused Approach
Leo Leiderman and Victor Bahar
Macroeconomic Aspects of the Corona Crisis in Israel
Ari Achiaz
The Corona Crisis and the Economy – Past, Present and Future
Gadi Ariav
Information Delay in Managing the Corona Crisis: Its Significance and the Ways to Deal with It
Lior Zalmanson
What Will Happen to 'Trust in People' and 'Trust in Digital Technology' in the Wake of COVID-19
Kobi Glazer
Remote Medicine in the Post-Corona Era – Opportunities and Challenges
Danny Ben-Shahar and Yarin Mani
Examining the Effect of the Corona Crisis Epidemic on Housing Prices in Israel
Liat Hadar
Consumer Behavior in the Corona Era:
What Do Consumers Buy, How Much and What Are They Persuaded By
Eyal Benjamin
Innovation in Times of Crisis: Increase or Dismiss?
Jonathan Smilansky and Zehavit Levitats
Developing Employee Personal Resilience at Work During the Corona Crisis –
Literature Review and Proposal for Implementation
Danit Ein-Gar
Why Will People Donate via Crowdfunding Platforms in Times of Crisis?
Lior Zalmanson
When Computers Become Your Boss: The Rise of Algorithmic Management
Sagit Bar-Gill and Liron Spivak
The Online News Market: Current Trends and Main Challenenges
Seev Neuman, Moshe Zviran and Jacob Mendel
Information Security: The Enemy from Within
Inbal Yahav and David Schwartz
Classification in Behavioral Big Data : Machine, Human, or Both ?
Dov Te'eni, Yana Sophia, Lior Zalmanson and Aviram Zur
The Role of Emotional Design in Creating a Manageful User Experience
Ronit Hanegby and Jacob Zahavi
Crossing the Bridge - from Big Data to Business Insights
Aharona Pfeffer
Ethical Issues inBig Data Technologies
Dan Weiss and Guy Kern
Investments of Insurance Companies in Information Technologies and Insurech
Peter Zubcsek,Tal Shoshani and Shachar Reichman
Analyzing Purchase Decisins Using Dynamic Location Data
Orly Yehezkel, Bar Kozlovsky
“And the earth was void and empty…” – Traditional
Organizations in a World of Complexity, Innovation
Meyrav Shoham, Sarit Moldovan, Yael Steinhart
When Negative Becomes Positive: How Irrelevant
Negative Information Enhances Positive Impressions
Hadar Freidin, Sharon Toker
Sources of Support for Grieving Employees
Dov Eden
Pygmalion and Charisma: Divergence and Convergence
of Two Approaches to Leadership Effectiveness
Avner Kalay, Feng Zhang
Yahel Kaplan
Implementation of Recommended Corporate
Governance in Startup Companies
Tamar Sagiv, Yoram Hattab, Israel Drori
Peeking behind the Scenes: The influence of
Organizational Freedom and Organizational Stability
on the Creativity of Theatre Artists
Nurit Nahum, Abraham Carmeli
A Strategic Perspective to Board of Directors (BOD)
Moshe Zviran, Dan Weiss, Eli Mograbi
Effects of Regulation and Legislation on Executive
Moshe Zviran, Dan Amiram
A Guide for the Perplexed Alternative Investments
Danny Ben-Shahar, Roni Golan, Amitay Fraenkel
Roni Golan
Real Estate in the Investor’s Portfolio: A Literature Review
David Disatnik
Hedge Funds: A Type of Alternative Investments
Nisan Langberg
Private Equity: Past Performance and the Challenges of Today
Dan Amiram, Gal Landau Yaari, Yaniv Feldman, Daniel Rabetti
Investments in Digital Assets and Cryptographic Currencies: Mapping and Review
Avi Wohl, Margalit Samuel
Measuring the Performance of Managed Investments: The Case of Israeli Provident Funds
Yakov Amihud, Haim Mendelson
The Effect of the Liquidity of the Firm’s Securities on Its Value
Roy Zuckerman
Non–Public Financial Information Hacks
Ari Achiaz
How Technological Innovations are Changing the World of Investment Management
David Disatnik, Shai Danziger and Yaniv Shani
Why Do We Remember Friends as Not so Friendly in Social Interactions?
Carmit T. Tadmor
Maximizing Professional Success: Five Things to Get from Living Abroad and One Travel Warning
Tomer Geva, Shachar Reichman and Iris Somech
The Predictive Power of Engagement in Mobile Consumption
Danit Ein-Gar and Sharon Arieli
How Anticipation of Online Shaming Influences Donation-Giving?
Beni Lauterbach and Jacob Oded
Stock Repurchase Programs in Israel
Jacob Hornik
Beyond Satisfaction: How to Create Customer Delight?
Jacob Zahavi and Ronen Meiri
And the Winning Method is… StepWise Regression
Yaron Yehezkel
Vertical Contracts and Their Effects On the Cost of Living
Ayala Arad and Ariel Rubinstein
Government Interventions that Use Psychological Insights – Why Does it Bother Us?
Yossi Spiegel
Antitrust Enforcement of the Prohibition of Excessive Prices: The Israeli Experience
Tomer Geva, Gal Oestreicher-Singer, Niv Efron and Yair Shimshoni
Using Forum and Search Data for Automotive Sales Prediction
Itay Sharoni and Eli Amir
Peter P. Zubcsek
Connected Devices, AI, and Intelligent Platforms: Drivers of the Evolution of Customer Intelligence
Jacob Zahavi
Recommendations System Based on Collaborative Filtering
Itay Kama
Financial Ratios, Earnings Persistence and Transitory Items
Arieh Riskin, Amir Erez, Peter Bamberger
Incivility’s Impact on Individual and Team Performance: a Cognitive Perspective
Danny Ben-Shahar, Stuart Gabriel
and Roni Golan
Housing Affordability and Inequality:
Joseph Gross
Business Judgment Rule as a Shelter from
Eli Amir, Shai Levi and Adi Lazar
Have Tax Collections Increased Following the Initiation of the Justice Hotline?
Hilah Geva, Ohad Barzilay
and Gal Oestreicher-Singer
Itai Ater and Itamar Popliker
Avi Wohl and Menachem (Meni) Abudy
Liquidity and Competitiveness in Corporate Bond Trading at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
Dan Weiss and Eyal Solganik
Voting Rules in Boards of Family Firms
Jacob Hornik
Yael Steinhart and Nira Munichor
Innovations in Management
Journal of The Coller school of Management
No.1, November 2017
Sharon Toker and Nili Ben Avi
Should we be Stressed about Stress
Jacob Oded
Predictive Analytics – From Theory to Practice
Eran Diari and Ohad Barzilay
Studying the Impact of Early Backers on Crowdfunding Performance
Dan Aks
The Other Side of Grandstanding
Jacob Zahavi
Predictive Analytics –Predictive Analytics - From Theory to Practice
Peter Pal Zubcsek
Controlling the Structure of Online Information Flows to Solicit Innovative New Product Ideas
Eli Amir and Adi Amir
Do Passing Rates of Government CPA Examinations Predict the Future?
Nir Kaftan, Anna Dorfman
and Daniel Heller
Merit as the Leading Cause for Mobility