Clubs & Forums

One of the advantages to studying in Israel's largest University and most prestigious business school is that our students can leverage the diverse array of clubs and forums on campus.


The Coller Consulting Club

This club prepares students for the consulting recruitment process by increasing student and alumni awareness of the management consulting industry and its major firms and enabling companies to identify the most suitable candidates among the Israeli top-class talent pool at the Coller School of Management. The club has monthly meetings including case interview workshops, case discussions, and keynote speakers from management consulting.




The Coller Alumni Association

The Coller Alumni Association is active in promoting student-alumni relationships by establishing professional clubs and forums

  • Cafe Coller Networking Events: A series of events hosting keynote speakers in various fields, many of whom are Coller School of Management alumni and senior professionals from the business, technological, and political arenas
  • The Mentoring Program: Volunteering alumni pass on their vast span of knowledge and managerial insights accumulated during their school years and since graduation to young alumni and graduate students who benefit from professional guidance from senior managers in their field
  • Study Tours: Students and alumni meet senior alumni at their place of employment to hear about their path to success
  • 5 at Coller: Extra-curricular enrichment events


These networking activities serve to create a sense of community at the Coller School of Management. To enhance this, the Alumni Association also produces monthly newsletters with information on special events, news, conferences, job fairs, and invites to industry networking events.




Ignite by Coller

Ignite is an entrepreneurial community that allows students and alumni to explore an entrepreneurial path as part of the on-campus experience; by participating in events, engaging with other entrepreneurs, sharing ideas, and creating new partnerships.

​It's your place to venture out of your comfort zone and get all the support you need to grow, learn, and discover the entrepreneur in you.

We believe entrepreneurship is a key growth engine, both on personal and national levels. Hence, we actively encourage the inclusion of all the different sectors in Israeli society to participate in our entrepreneurial activities.

To learn more, click on this link.







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