Finance - Accounting Seminars

(Semester B - Academic Year 2010-2011)

The seminars are held Tuesdays 14:00 to 15:15 in room 408, unless otherwise indicated or separately announced



  Date   Speaker/Affiliation  Presentation
 22.2.11 Roy Stein,
Bank of Israel
Estimating the Expected Natural Interest Rate Using Affine Term-Structure Models: The Case of Israel
 1.3.11 Arnold Lutz,
University of Regensburg
Rational Speculation in the Presence of Positive Feedback Traders: Stabilizing? Destabilizing? Or Neutral?
 3.3.11 Asaf Manela,
Ph.D. candidate University of Chicago
Spreading Information and Media Coverage: Theory and Evidence from Drug Approvals
 15.3.11 Scott Weisbenner, 
University of Illinois 
Why I Lost My Secretary: The Effect of Endowment Shocks on University Operations

Galla Salganik

Style Chasing by Hedge Fund Investors
 29.3.11 Fernando Zapatero,
Thou Shalt not Covet Thy (suburban) Neighbor's Car  
 5.4.11 Tsahi Versano,
Ph.D Candidate UCLA
Discresionary Disclosure In the Presence of Moral Hazard
 12.4.11 Ella Mae Matsamura,
Voluntary Disclosures and the Firm-Value Effects of Carbon Emissions  
 19.4.11 No Seminar Passover
 26.4.11 No Seminar Passover
 10.5.11 No Seminar Independence Day

Yakov Amihud


Liquidity Risk of Corporate Bond Returns
 17.5.11 Roni Michaely,
Cornell and IDC
Corporate Governance and the Timing of Earnings Announcements  

Lukasz Pomorski

University of Toronto

The Value of Active Management

Evgeny Lyandres,
Boston University

Product Market Competition and Equity Returns
 31.5.11 Shiki Levy, 
Evolution of Risk Aversion: The "Having Descendants Forever" Approach  
 7.6.11 No Seminar Shavout
 12-14.6.11 Tel Aviv Confernece in Accounting  
22.6.11 Florin Vasvari, 

The Information Spillover Effect of Earnings Announcements in the Credit Market

 7.7.11 Ruby Lehavy, Brett Trueman, 
University of Michigan, UCLA
The Earnings Announcement Premium Around the Globe

Sharon katz


The Economic Consequences of Financial Constraints in a Crisis: Evidence from the SFAS 160 Rule

Gil Sadka




Link to Fall 2010-2011

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