The 2nd Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics (CCBE)

​Tel Aviv University

July 16-17, 2017

Program Download


Sunday, July 16, 2017 | 405 Recanati

9:00-9:30         Registration and Refreshments


Session 1

9:30-9:50              Moshe Zviran, Dean's Greetings

9:50-10:10            Yaniv Shani, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
                              Do Consumers “Accidently” Place Products They Own in Harm’s Way?


10:10-10:30           Shai Danziger,(Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
                              Price-Quote Format and Consumer Inferences 

10:30 -11:00         Coffee Break


Session 2

11:00 -11:30        Ayelet Fishbach, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago 
                            Worth the Wait: Postponing Choice to Increase Patience


11:30-12:00         Charles Sprenger, Department of Economics & Rady School of Management, UC San Diego
                             Procrastination in the Field: Evidence from Tax Filing


12:00-14:30         Lunch & Poster Session


Session 3

14:30-15:00         Nagore Iriberri, Department of Economics, University of the Basque Country
                            Non-equilibrium Play in Centipede Games


15:00-15:30         Marie Claire Villeval, GATE (Economics) ,CNRS, University of Lyon
                            Political Inclusion and Violence


15:30-16:00         Coffee Break


Session 4


16:00-16:20         Ayala Arad, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
                            The Effect of Categorical Perceptions on Investment Decisions


16:20-16:40        Dotan Persitz, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
                            Is Consistency Procedure Invariant?


16:40-17:00        Ori Heffetz, Johnson School of Management, Cornell University &
                           Department of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                           Are Reference Points Lagged Beliefs Over Probabilities?


17:00 -17:30       Coffee Break


Session 5

17:30- 17:50        Yoav Ganzach, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
                            Intelligence and the Rationality of Political Preferences


17:50- 18:10        Ido Erev, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion
                            On Gentle Rule Enforcement and the Big Brother Problem 


18:30-21:30         Dinner Party

                            Porter School of Environmental Studies, across Gate 14


Monday, July 17, 2017 | 405 Recanati

8:30-9:00am         Refreshments


Session 6

9:00-9:30              Thomas Buser, School of Economics, University of Amsterdam
                             Gender, Competitiveness and Career Choices Along the Whole Ability Distribution


9:30-10:00            Silvia Saccardo, Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University
                              Bribing the Self


10:00-10:30         Jonathan Levav, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
                             Mental Resets


10:30 -11:00         Coffee Break


Session 7

11:00 -11:30        Gal Zauberman, Yale School of Management, Yale University
                            Taxes and Motivation: Lessons from the Lab


11:30-12:00         Uri Gneezy, Rady School of Management, UC San Diego
                            Incentives and Behavior Change


12:00-14:00         Lunch


Session 8

14:00-14:30         On Amir, Rady School of Management, UC San Diego
                            Reference Point Escalation in Sequential Choice


14:30-15:00         Marta Serra Gracia, Rady School of Management, UC San Diego
                            Time-Inconsistent Charitable Giving


15:00-15:30         Coffee Break


Session 9

15:30-16:00          Anat Bracha, Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
                             Mixed Signals: Charity Reporting When Donations Signal Generosity and Income


16:00- 16:20        Yael Steinhart, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
                             When Small Predicts Large: The Effect of Initial Small Contributions on Subsequent
                             Contributions in a Crowdfunding Project


16:20-16:40         David Zvilichovsky, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
                            Making-the-product-happen: A driver of crowdfunding participation


16:40-17:00         Coffee Break


Session 10

17:00- 17:20        Ilana Ritov, School of Education, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                            Reciprocating Trust or Generosity


17:20- 17:40        Ilan Fischer, Department of Psychology, University of Haifa
                            Becoming Similar, Learning to Cooperate and Understanding the Game:
​                           The Development of Reciprocal Strategies in repeated PD games


17:40- 18:00        Orit Tykocinski, Ivcher School of Psychology, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya
                            The Hidden Costs of Signaling

Past Conference
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