The 3rd Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics (CCBE)

updated: 31.07.2018

​Tel Aviv University

July 15-16, 2018



The 3rd Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics (CCBE)

15-16 July, 2018

Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University

PDF  version

Conference Program 


Sunday, July 15, 2018 | 405 Recanati

8:30-9:15         Registration and Refreshments


Session 1 – Promoting Prosocial Behavior

9:15-9:30         Opening remarks & Dean's Greetings, Moshe Zviran

9:30-10:00       Yan Chen, School of Information, University of Michigan
                        Motivating Contributions to Public Information Goods: A Field Experiment at Wikipedia

10:00-10:30     Danit Ein-Gar, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
                        Let's Donate Together: The Role of Communities in Donation-Based Crowdfunding Campaigns


10:30 -11:00      Coffee Break


Session 2 – Risk Taking

11:00 -11:30    Charles Sprenger, Department of Economics & Rady School of Management, UC San Diego
                        Direct Tests of Cumulative Prospect Theory

11:30-12:00     Zur Shapira, Stern School of Business, New York University
                        Battling Aspiration and Survival in the Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions


12:00-14:00     Lunch & Poster Session


Session 3 – Behavior in Strategic Interactions

14:00-14:30      Pedro Rey-Biel, Department of Economics, Autonomous University of Barcelona
                          Rationality and Observed Behavior

14:30-15:00     Yoram Halevy, Department of Economics, University of Toronto
                        Behavioral Bargaining

15:00-15:30   Orsola Garofalo (Department of Strategy and Innovation, Copenhagen Business School
                       Learning by Mistaking? Optimism and Entrepreneurial Innovation

15:30-16:00   Coffee Break



Session 4 – Lying and Honesty

16:00-16:30     Shaul Shalvi, Psychology Department and CREED, University of Amsterdam           
                        Intuitive (Dis)honesty – A Meta-Analysis

16:30- 17:00    Shoham Choshen-Hillel, School of Business Administration, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                        Lying to Appear Honest

17:30               FIFA World Cup Final 2018

“HaChug HaTzfoni” bar, Tel Aviv University main entrance, across Gate 7




Monday, July 16, 2018 | 405 Recanati

8:30-9:00         Refreshments


Session 5 – Donations

9:00-9:30         Deborah Small, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvan
                         Ineffective Altruism: Giving Less When Donations Do More Good

9:30-10:00       Joachim Vosgerau, Department of Marketing, Bocconi University
                        Donate Today or Give Tomorrow? Adding a Time Delay Increases Donation Amounts but not
                        Willingness to Donate

10:00-10:30     Tehila Kogut, Department of Education, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
                         Feeling Good about Doing Good: The Role of Affect in Responses to Repeated Requests for Donations


10:30 -11:00    Coffee Break


Session 6 – Experiences

11:00 -11:30    Gal Zauberman, Yale School of Management, Yale University
                        Duration Sensitivity of Key Moments of Experiences

11:30-12:00     Carmit Tadmor, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
                        The Science of Multicultural Immersion


12:00-14:00     Lunch


Session 7 – What to Display in Interactions?

14:00-14:30     Kfir Eliaz, School of Economics, Tel Aviv University
                        Providing Consumers with Sale Information: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Online Supermarket
​                        Shopping

14:30-15:00     Jeroen Van de Ven, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam
                        The Strategic Display of Emotions

15:00-15:30     Coffee Break


Session 8 – Interventions in Education

15:30-16:00      Theo Offerman, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam
                          A Market for Integrity: Fighting Corruption in Education

16:00- 16:30    Sally Sadoff, Rady School of Management, UC San Diego
                        Improving College Instruction through Incentives


16:30-17:00     Coffee Break


Session 9 – Motivation

17:00-17:30       Julia Nafziger, Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University
                          Motivational Goal Bracketing: An Experiment

17:30- 18:00    Kathleen Vohs, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
                        Mindfulness Meditation Impairs Task Motivation but not Performance


18:30-21:30     Dinner Party at the Porter School of Environmental Studies, across gate 14





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