The 4th Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics (CCBE)

​Tel Aviv University

June 19-20, 2019

The 4th Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics (CCBE)

19-20 June, 2019

Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University

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Conference Program 


Wednesday, June 19, 2019 | 405 Recanati

8:30-9:15          Registration and Refreshments


Session 1

9:15-9:30          Opening remarks


9:30-9:50          Ido Erev, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion
​                         Money: The Problem or the Solution?


9:50-10:10        Ran Kivetz, Columbia Business School, Columbia University              
                         Cash Disincentives

10:10-10:30      Uri Gneezy, Rady School of Management, UC San Diego
                          Stakes & Mistakes


10:30-11:00      Coffee Break


Session 2


11:00-11:20      Eli Mograbi, Coller School  of Management, Tel Aviv University
                          Intermittent Incentives for Promoting Physical Activity


11:20-11:40      Michele Belot, Department of Economics, European University Institute
                         Using Food Rewards as Incentives


11:40-12:00      Sally Sadoff, Rady School of Management, UC San Diego
                         Improving Sleep Habits


12:00-14:00      Lunch & Poster Session


Session 3


14:00-14:20      Gal Zauberman, Yale School of Management, Yale University
                         When is Too Few a Bias? How Worldview Affects Perceptions of Bias


14:20-14:40      Yaniv Shani, Coller School  of Management, Tel Aviv University
                         Mixing Friendship with Money: Guests' Monetary Gifts and Consumption at Social Events


14:40-15:00      Liat Hadar, Arison School of Business, IDC Herzliya
                         Mental Construal Level, Aging, and Inhibition of Irrelevant Information


15:00-15:20      Anat Bracha, Research Department, The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston           
                         Delayed Feedback Effect


15:20-16:00      Coffee Break


Session 4


16:00-16:20      Andy Schotter, Department of Economics, New York University
                         Planned and Actual Attention in Games


16:20-16:40      Eyal Winter, Department of Economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and School
                         of  Management, University of Leicester       
                         Game Theory and Emotions


16:40-17:00      Ori Weisel, Coller School  of Management, Tel Aviv University
                         The Complementarity of Centralized and Decentralized Institutions in Fostering ooperation


17:00-17:30      Coffee Break


Session 5


17:30-17:50      On Amir, Rady School of Management, UC San Diego  
                         Experts Outperform Technology in Creative Markets


17:50-18:10      Philipp Kircher, Department of Economics, European University Institute and University of Edinburgh
                         Measuring Time Preferences of the Unemployed

18:10-18:30      Stephan Meier, Columbia Business School, Columbia University
                         Preferences for Non-Monetary Aspects of Work


18:30                Dinner Party

                         “HaChug HaTzfoni” bar, Tel Aviv University main entrance, across Gate 7



Thursday, June 20, 2019 | 405 Recanati

9:00-9:30          Refreshments


Session 6


9:30-9:50          Yaacov Trope, Department of Psychology, New York University
                         Expansive and Contractive Social Relations\


9:50-10:10        Avishalom Tor, The Law School, University of Notre Dame and University of Haifa
                         N-Equality in Allocations: More Recipients, Less (Concern for) Equality?


10:10-10:30      Coby Morvinski, Department of Management, Ben Gurion University
                         The Expectation Gap between Borrowers and Lenders in the Informal Microloans Market


10:30-11:00      Coffee Break


Session 7


11:00-11:20      Silvia Saccardo, Department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University
                         Narrow Bracketing in Ethical Tradeoffs


11:20-11:40      Marta Serra Garcia, Rady School of Management, UC San Diego
                         The Inelasticity of Moral Ignorance


11:40-12:00      Jeroen van de Ven, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam
                         Doing Bad to Look Good


12:00-14:00      Lunch


Session 8


14:00-14:20      Rachel Barkan, Department of Business Administration, Ben Gurion University of the
                         One Model for All: Risking Windfalls, Saving them for Rainy Days, Chasing Losses,
                         and Cutting them Short 


14:20-14:40      Yoella Bereby-Meyer, Psychology Department, Ben Gurion University of the Negev  
                          Differentiating Between Active and Passive Risk Taking: The Effect of Self Control and
                          Time Perspective


14:40-15:00      David Faro, London Business School
                         Outcome-Focus, Gender, and Risk-Taking


15:00-15:30      Coffee Break


Session 9


15:30-15:50      Toke Reinholt Fosgaard, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of 
                          Copenhagen Cheating in The Lab and Crime in The Field: A Study Combining
                          Experimental and Register Data


15:50-16:10      Tamar Kricheli Katz, The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
                          Those who Tan and Those who Don’t: A Natural Experiment on Race Discrimination 


16:10-16:30      Shai Danziger, Coller School  of Management, Tel Aviv University 
                          Social Investing and Donations


Organizing Committee:

Ayala Arad, Shai Danziger, Uri Gneezy and Yaniv Shani


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