Centers, Institutes and Chairs

The Coller School of Management's broad range of institutes, centers and chairs provide the School’s scholars with a framework for promoting research initiatives and fostering collaboration on designated topics of interest. Our centers and institutes cover a broad range of topics and agendas: information systems, strategic management, accounting, real estate, and high-tech, global business, entrepreneurship, insurance, and healthcare systems.  


Additionally, the activities and platforms conducted by the School's centers and institutes – calls for papers, grants, professional clubs, research catalogues – are an important source of support for new studies, paradigms and research agendas, sharing their output with the business community. They create opportunities for field-academia dialogue, allowing academia and business to keep in tune with each other and learn from each other's perspective.


Chairs are awarded to individual staff members in recognition of their work in a particular academic field.



The Vicky and Joseph Safra Research Institute for Banking and Financial Intermediation

Head of Institute: Prof. Sivan Frankel, Prof. Dan Amiram
Director: Mr. Moshe Pearl

will engage in three main types of activities: theoretical and applied research, teaching and preparing the next general of managers, and distributing research and professional knowledge, while creating a meaningful and fruitful dialog with the industry in Israel and abroad. The research will focus on studies with academic and practical implications in general and on studies relating specifically to the capital market in Israel, and will aim to develop fruitful research collaborations with leading scholars from abroad and with knowledge hubs in the industry. The Center will develop tools that enable an economic assessment of business models and the construction of forecasts for the development of future capital markets. Within the research framework, outstanding researchers will receive grants and scholarships, and databases containing global and Israeli information will be purchased and developed. The Center will also develop courses of study and course material with the aim of endowing students with knowledge and preparing them for senior management positions in the industry, and will consider the preparation of a program of study specializing in capital markets. Additionally, the Center will offer a range of advanced studies in capital markets in order to expand the knowledge of managers and employees in financial institutions and regulatory entities, analysts and other professionals. These advanced studies will enable managers and employees in Israel’s financial institutions to learn from experts and opinion leaders in academia and industry in Israel and abroad and to position themselves at the cutting edge of the world’s financial industry.


The Harel Center for Capital Markets Research

Head of Institute: Prof. Dan Weiss
 Director : Dr Naomi Belfer-Shpirer

Established in 2013, the goal of the Alrov Institute for Real Estate Research is to provide researchers, students, executives, entrepreneurs and regulators with up-to-date knowledge on essential aspects of real-estate theory and practice. The Institute aims to improve efficiency and competition in the Israeli real estate sector, to encourage entrepreneurship, to enhance transparency and, thus, to contribute to welfare and economic growth in Israel.


The Harel Institute for Actuarial Innovation

Head of Institute: Prof. Nisan Langberg
Director: Dr Anat Elad

Established in 2013, the goal of the Alrov Institute for Real Estate Research is to provide researchers, students, executives, entrepreneurs and regulators with up-to-date knowledge on essential aspects of real-estate theory and practice. The Institute aims to improve efficiency and competition in the Israeli real estate sector, to encourage entrepreneurship, to enhance transparency and, thus, to contribute to welfare and economic growth in Israel.


Alrov Institute for Real Estate Research

Head of Institute: Prof. Danny Ben-Shahar
  Ms. Ravit Huberfeld

will be the first of its kind in Israel and will focus mainly on developing a program of actuarial studies, on actuarial research and the relations with the industry and the public. The program of studies will focus on preparing the next generation of a reserve of actuaries in Israel. Training actuaries means endowing them with a broad understanding of the area, with emphasis on Bayesian statistics, the mathematics of financing, the economics of insurance, risk management and appraising the value of insurance assets. Within the framework of the program of studies all the courses needed for students to qualify as actuaries in Israel will be developed and conducted (in accordance with the requirements of the British Institute and Faculty of Actuaries). In order to ensure that new graduates will be at the forefront of the area in Israel and abroad, the program of studies will be updated on an ongoing basis and incorporate lectures and workshops with leading professionals in the area. The program of study will be offered in conjunction with the Coller School’s undergraduate program of studies in management. The Institute will also focus on research and the dissemination of its findings, while maintaining a meaningful and fruitful dialog with the industry and will create opportunities for fruitful exchanges through a range of activities, including an annual conference, seminars and workshops.


Coller Institute of Venture

Head Institute: Prof. Moshe Zviran
Director: Dr. Eyal Benjamin

Established in 2013, the Coller Institute of Venture seeks to enhance our understanding of innovation and the global ecosystem required to support it. The Institute applies an interdisciplinary approach to explore how ventures are stimulated, promoted and nurtured across different geographies and industries. The Institute holds events and panels aimed at fostering collaborations between scholars, investors, policymakers, venture capitalists and high-tech professionals, with the purpose of establishing favorable conditions for venture growth.

For more information



Eli Hurvitz Institute for Strategic Management

Head of the Hurvitz Institute: Prof. Moshe Zviran
Director: Dr. Ravit Cohen- Meitar

Established in 2004, the Hurvitz Institute's focus is on creating educational activities, generating and distributing research and providing a central address for the exchange of ideas among various academic and business communities. The Institute sponsors and organizes an annual Conference – the Strategic Move – a forum for discussing ongoing challenges and dilemmas in corporate strategy, as well as the School's annual Sofaer International Case Competition (SICC).

For more information



Joseph Kasierer Institute for Research in Accounting

Head of Institute: Prof. Eli Amir

Established in 1990, the Kasierer Institute provides a framework for advancing accounting theory and encouraging applied research in the field of accounting. The Institute supports research initiatives in this field and publishes their results periodically. The Institute's professional interfaces with key authorities in the Israeli financial sector allow it to keep its research agenda up-to-date with ongoing professional issues and identify topics for future research. The Institute's club, attended by representatives of academia, the finance sector and regulatory authorities, is considered an established professional forum for discussing issues and dilemmas relating to financial reporting and accounting policy, presented by key authorities from academia and the field. 



Marcel and Annie Adams Institute for Management Information Systems

Head of the Adams Institute: Prof. Gal Oestreicher-Singer

Established in 1986, the Adams Institute supports research activities, teaching and dissemination of information on the development and application of computerized information systems. The institute conducts the Information Systems Club, a professional forum for Israeli researchers, policy makers and senior executives in the field of Information Systems.



Henry Crown Institute of Business Research in Israel

Head of Institute:Prof. Moshe Zviran: 

Established in 1969, the Crown Institute provides Coller scholars and graduate students with a framework for facilitating, supporting and disseminating works of research, with a particular emphasis on issues of relevance to Israel economy and society. A guide for accessing available research funds, grants and sources of support, the Institute assists the School's research groups in promoting their research initiatives under 11 thematic categories (ranging from managerial economics and operations research to business ethics and business law).

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