Asya Pazy is Professor of Management. She received her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland , Ohio . She served as the Associate Dean of the school, and previously as the Chair of the Organizational Behavior Program.
Prof. Asya Pazy

Short Biography
Fields of Interest
Organizational behavior: Social exchange, teamwork, negotiation, human resource management, careers, professional development.
Selected publications
Pazy, A. and Oron, I. (2001). Sex proportion and performance evaluation among high-rank military officers. Journal of Organizational Behavior , 22(6), 689-702.
Ganzach, Y., Pazy, A., Ohayun, Y., and Brainin, E. (2002). Social exchange and organizational commitment: Decision-making training for job choice as an alternative to the Realistic Job Preview. Personnel Psychology , 55, 613-637.
Pazy, A. (2004). Updating in response to the experience of lacking knowledge. Applied Psychology: An International Review , 53(3), 436-452.
Pazy, A., Ganzach, Y., and Davidov, Y. (2006). Decision making training for occupational choice and early turnover: A field experiment. Career Development Internationa l , 11(1), 80-91.
Pazy, A. and Ganzach, Y. (2009). Pay contingency and the effects of perceived organizational and supervisor support on performance and commitment. Journal of Management , 35(4), 1007-1025.
Pazy, A. and Ganzach, Y. (2010). Predicting commitment: Exchange ideology, the structured interview and perceived organisational support. Applied Psychology: An International Review , 59(2), 339-359.
Kugler, T., Rapoport, A., and Pazy, A. (2010). Public good provision in inter-group conflicts: Effects of asymmetry and profit-sharing rule. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making , 23(4), 421-438.
Maaravi, Y., Pazy, A., and Ganzach, Y. (2011). Pay as much as you can afford: Counterpart's ability to pay and first offers in negotiation. Judgment and Decision Making Journal , 6(4), 275-282.
Maaravi, Y., Ganzach, Y., and Pazy, A. (2011). Negotiation as a form of persuasion: Arguments in first offers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 101 (2), 245-255.
Pazy, A. (2011). The relationship between pay contingency and types of perceived support: Effects on performance and commitment, EuroMed Journal of Business , 6(3).
Pazy, A. and Shefer, D. (2011). Country profile: Israel . In J.P. Briscoe, D.T. Hall and W. Mayrhofer (Eds.), Careers across cultures , Routledge.
Stirin, K., Ganzach, Y., Pazy, A., and Eden , D. The effect of perceived advantage and disadvantage on performance: The role of external effica cy. Applied Psychology - An International Review , forthcoming.