Davey is an Assistant Professor. He has a B.A. in Accounting and Economics from Tel Aviv University, an M.B.A. in Finance from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and a Ph.D. in Accounting and Finance from Tel Aviv University. Prior to Joining the Coller School of Management, Davey taught in the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.
Dr. David Disatnik
Short Biography
Fields of Research
Investment Decisions and Risk Management, Methodological Aspects of Moderated Multiple Regressions, Effects of Friendship on Memory and Behavior
Selected publications
“Remembering Friends as Not So Friendly in Competitive and Bargaining Social Interactions” (with Shai Danziger and Yaniv Shani)
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 30(4): 987-998, 2017
“Multicollinearity is a Red Herring in the Search for Moderator Variables: A Guide to Interpreting Moderated Multiple Regression Models and a Critique of Iacobucci, Schneider, Popovich, and Bakamitsos (2016)” (with Gary McClelland, Julie Irwin, and Liron Sivan)
Behavior Research Methods, 49(1): 394-402, 2017
“Need for Cognitive Closure, Risk Aversion, Uncertainty Changes, and Their Effects on Investment Decisions” (with Yael Steinhart)
Journal of Marketing Research, 52(3): 349-359 (2015)
“The Multicollinearity Illusion in Moderated Regression Analysis” (with Liron Sivan)
Marketing Letters, 27(2): 403-408 (2016)
“Cash Flow Hedging and Liquidity Choices” (with Ran Duchin and Breno Schmidt)
Review of Finance, 18(2): 715-748 (2014)
Winner of the 2010 Teva Award in the name of Dan Suesskind for research in corporate finance and financial markets