Prof. Orly Yeheskel

Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Orly Yeheskel
Phone: 054-6446668
Office: Lorry Lokey, 1037

Short Biography

Prof. Yehezkel is a senior faculty member and head of the specialization in Global Management and Business Consulting in the Faculty of Management at Tel Aviv University, and Academic Director of Senior Management Programs at LAHAV Tel Aviv University's Executive Education

She served as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management at Tel Aviv University, Head of the Executive Training Unit at IDC Herzliya, Dean of the School of Economics and Management at Tel Aviv-Yafo Academic College.

She has extensive experience in consulting and in developing and leading programs for the training of senior executives in various sectors (private, public, security)

Prof. Yehezkel is a researcher, lecturer and consultant, developing and presenting senior executive programs


Her topics: Future of Organizations, Designing and managing organizations in a dynamic, complex and disruptive environment (VUCA), paradigm-breaking models for organizational design, global management, cross-cultural management and the management of international strategic partnerships




Prof. Orly Yeheskel, (Ph.D.)               


Contact Information

Office: +972-3-6408230

Mobile: +972-54-6446668



Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Management
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Dissertation: Differentiation of structural-managerial and cultural variables of the parent organizations of the international joint venture, and its relations to the venture’s effectiveness. Supervisor: Prof. Yoram Zeira.

Master of Science, Organizational Behavior
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Bachelor of Arts, Sociology and International Relations
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Awards and Recognition

University Awards:

  • Rector’s “100 Club” (list of 100 outstanding teachers at TAU), 2019
  • Dean Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2019
  • Rector’s Prize for Outstanding Teachers, Tel Aviv University, 2018
  • Rector’s “100 Club” (list of 100 outstanding teachers at TAU), 2017
  • Dean Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2017
  • Rector’s “100 Club” (list of 100 outstanding teachers at TAU), 2016
  • Dean Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2016
  • "Teacher of The Year" Award, Tel Aviv University Students Union, 2015
  • Rector’s “100 Club” (list of 100 outstanding teachers at TAU), 2015
  • Rector’s “100 Club” (list of 100 outstanding teachers at TAU), 2014
  • Dean Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2014
  • Dean Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2013
  • Rector’s “100 Club” (list of 100 outstanding teachers at TAU), 2012
  • Dean Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2012
  • Rector’s Prize for Outstanding Teachers, Tel Aviv University, 2002


Research Awards:

  • Highly Commended Paper winner 2013. The Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, March 2014
  • Outstanding Paper Award Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence, “Knowledge Inflows and Outflows in International Business”, May 2010
  • Best Paper Award 1st Annual EuroMed Conference, “Knowledge Inflows and Outflows in International Business”, November 2008
  • Annual Award for Research – Kibbutz Fund, The Institute for Research of the Kibbutz, Haifa University, “Radical Changes, Ideological Embeddeness, Demographic Depletion and Financial Performance: A Macro Longitudinal Study”, 2004
  • Annual Award for Research – The Bengis Center for Entrepreneurship and Hi-Tech Management, Ben Gurion University, “Managing Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation”, 2003
  • Best Paper Award – Proceedings of the 23rd Annual European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference, “Foreign Parent and CEO Assessment of Equity International Joint Venture (EIJV) Performance in China”, December 1997

Academic Experience

 Professor, Organizational Behavior & International Business, Coller School of Management
Tel Aviv University, 2011 to present

Associate Dean, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University, 2014 to present

Head of Global Management and Business Consulting Specialization, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University, 2018 to present

Head of Top Management Program Development, LAHAV, Coller School of Management Tel Aviv University, 2008 to present

Lecturer and Facilitator: Top Executive Programs (C-Suit Workshops and Programs) – 2005 to present

Head, The Max Perlman Center for Global Business, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University, 2018 to present

Academic Director, The Alpha Forum - exclusive alumni club for Coller School of Management graduates, 2014 to present

Dean of School of Management and Economics, 2008 to 2011
The Tel-Aviv Yaffo Academic College

Senior Lecturer, 2008 to 2011

The Tel-Aviv Yaffo Academic College


Yeheskel, O., Katorza, E., Steinitz, l.,

Fighting the Bat in a VUCA World: The Case of the Sheba Medical Center (SMC), The Case Center, case ref. 322-0098-1, 2022

Yeheskel, O., Globerson, S.,

The Impact of The Forth Industrial Revolution on Organizational Control, International Journal of Human Resource Studies, Vol. 10 (4), 2020

Yeheskel, O., Kozlovsky, B.,

"And the earth was void and empty…" – Traditional Organizations in a World of Complexity, Innovation and Disruption, Innovations In Management Journal of The Coller School of Management, (Hebrew), Vol. 6, July 2020

 Sagiv T., Yeheskel, O., It Takes Three to Tango: Revisiting Paradox Management in Art and Culture Organizations, Organizational Aesthetics, 9(1): 53-71, 2020

Alon, I., Yeheskel, O., Lerner, M., Zhang, W.,
Internationalization of Chinese Entrepreneurial Firm, International Business Review, Vol. 55, No. 5, October 2013

Almor, T., Yeheskel, O., Footloose and Fancy Free: Sojourning Entrepreneurs in China, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2013

Sheaffer, Z., Honig, B., Tsionit, S. & Yeheskel, O. Radical Changes, Ideology, Dwindling Membership and Financial Distress: A Macro-Longitudinal Study European Management Journal, 2011, 29(4) pp. 201 - 305 .

Yemini, M., & Yeheskel, O., Not Born Here -Evaluation of the Country of Origin Effect on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Israeli Engineering Students, The International Journal of Learning, 2010, Vol. 17, http://www.Learning-, ISSN 1447-9494

Newburry, W., Yeheskel, O., & Zeira Y., The Interaction of Parent- Company Differentiation With IJV Autonomy in Predicting IJV Effectiveness, Chinese Business Review, December 2010,. 9(12), pp. 1-17

Yeheskel, O., & Shenkar, O. Knowledge Flows in International Business. A JIBS Citation Analysis. EuroMed Journal of Business. 2009, 4(2), pp. 111-126.

Yeheskel, O. & Lerner, M. Born to Be Wild? – On Managerial Capabilities and Business Performance in Technology Start-Ups. International Studies of Management and Organization., Fall 2009 39(3), pp. 6-31.

Shenkar, O., Luo, Y., & Yeheskel, O. From “Distance” to “Friction”: Substituting Metaphors and Redirecting Intercultural Research. Academy of Management Review. 2008, 33(4), pp.905-925.

Yeheskel, O., Newburry, W., & Zeira, Y. Significant Differences in the Pre and Post-Incorporation Stages of Equity International Joint Ventures (IJV’s) and International Acquisition (IA’s), and their Impact on Effectiveness. International Business Review. 2004, 13(5), pp.613-636.

Zeira, Y., Yeheskel, O. & Newburry, W. International Joint Venture CEO versus Regional Headquarters Assessment of JV Effectiveness: A Matter of Perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2004, 15(4/5), pp. 670-687.

Newburry, W., Zeira, Y. & Yeheskel, O. Autonomy of International Joint Ventures (IJV’s) in China. International Business Review. 2003, 12(4), pp.395-419.

Yeheskel, O., Zeira, Y., Shenkar, O. & Newburry, W. Parent-Company Dissimilarity and Equity International Joint Ventures Effectiveness. Journal of International Management. 2001, 7(2), pp.81-104.

Yeheskel, O. Arkia Israel Airlines’ CEO Israel Borovich on Strategic Alliances and Growth (Interview). Academy of Management Executive. 2001, 15(1), pp.12-15

Yeheskel, O., Shenkar, O. Fiegenbaum, A., & Cohen, E. Cooperative Wealth Creation: Strategic Alliances in Israel Medical-Technology Ventures. Academy of Management Executive. 2001, 15(1), pp.16-24.

Zeira, Y., Newburry, W., & Yeheskel, O. Equity International Joint Ventures (EIJV’s) in Hungary: Factors Affecting Their Effectiveness. Management International Review. 1997, 37(3), pp. 259-278.

Borovitz, I., Ellis, S., & Yeheskel, O. Group Processes and the Development of Information Systems: A Social Psychological Perspective. Information and Management. 1990, 19, pp.65-72.


Book Chapters:

Shenkar O., & Yeheskel O., "Knowledge Flows in International Business", in: Mariano, S.,Mirghani, M., & Mouhiuddin, Q., The Role of Expatriate in MNCs Knowledge Mobilization ,2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Ch. 3., pp. 45-62

Yeheskel, O. & Shetach, A. (Guest Editors). Goal Accomplishment by Information Sharing and Organizational Cooperation. Journal of International Studies of Management and Organization, 39(3) Fall 2009 .

Zeira, Y., Yeheskel, O. & Newburry. A Comparative Analysis of Performance Assessment: International Joint Venture Managers versus Regional Headquarters Managers. In: Malcolm Warner (Ed.), Human Resource Management in China Revisited, 2005, pp.54-71.

Yeheskel, O., & Lerner, M. Flexible Institutionalization: On the Role of Managerial Variables in Technology Start-Ups. In. Vinig, Z. & VanDeVoort, R. (Eds). The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Economics. Elsevier Science, Netherlands, 2005.

Newburry, W., Zeira, Y. & Yeheskel, O. Autonomy and Effectiveness in Equity Joint Ventures. In. Tayeb, M. (ed.) International Business Partnership: Issues and Concerns, 2001. pp.55-71.



Yeheskel, O., & Shenkar, O. International Management (in Hebrew). Open University Press, Israel, 2005

Conference Papers, Proceedings and Presentations


Yeheskel,O., Sagiv T., "Can Three Do the Tango? Rethinking the Art and Culture Value Paradox and Dual Management Model", accepted for presentation and publication, EURAM Conference, Paris, France, June 2016

Westman M., Chen S. & Yeheskel O., Cultural Intelligence: Its Importance for Global Leadership, Accepted for presentation: AOM Africa Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, January 2013

Chen, S., Westman, M. & Yeheskel, O. Is Cultural Intelligence an Important Resource for the New Global Manager. EIBA 2011 Annual Conference, Bucharest, December 2011

Almor, T., Yehezkel, O., Footloose and Fancy Free: Sojourning Entrepreneurs in China, EIBA 2011 Annual Conference, Bucharest, December 2011

Almor, T., Yehezkel, O., Footloose and Fancy Free: Sojourning Entrepreneurs in China, China Goes Global Gonference, Harvard, Boston October 2011


Westman, M., Yehezkel, O. Not Only for Expats: Recognizing the Managerial Resource Potential of Cultural Intelligence, European Academy of Management Conference on Management Culture in the 21st Century, Tallinn, June 2011

Sheaffer, Z., Honig, B., Tsionit, S., & Yeheskel, O. Radical Changes, Ideology, Dwindling Membership and Financial Distress: A Macro Longitudinal Study. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois. August 7-11, 2009.

Shenkar, O., Luo, Y., & Yeheskel, O. From “Distance” to “Friction”: Substituting Metaphors and Redirecting Intercultural Research. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California. August 2008.

Yeheskel, O. Making Large Global Collaboration Succeed. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California. August 2008.

Sheaffer, Z., Honig, B., Tsionit, S. & Yeheskel, O. Radical Changes, Ideology, Dwindling Membership and Financial Distress: A Macro-Longitudinal Study. 23rd Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Bled, Slovania. April 2008.

Sheaffer, Z., Benson, H., Yeheskel, O. & Ganzach, Y. Radical Changes, Ideology, Demographic Depletion and Financial Distress: A Macro-Longitudinal Study. ASAC 2006 Conference, Banff, Canada. June 2006.

Newburry, W., Yeheskel, O., & Zeira, Y. The Interaction of Parent Company Differentiation with IJV Autonomy in Predicting IJV Effectiveness. The Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden. July 2004.

Yeheskel, O., Sheaffer, Z., & Ganzach, Y. Change and Financial Performance, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. August 2003.

Yeheskel, O., Newburry, W., & Zeira, Y. The Interaction of Parent Company Differentiation with IJV Autonomy in Predictine IJV Effectiveness, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. August 2003.

Yeheskel, O., & Lerner, M. Flexible Institutionalization: On The Role of Managerial Variables in Technology Start-Ups, The Israeli Sociological Association Annual Conference, February 2003.

Yeheskel, O., Newburry, W., & Zeira, Y. IJV CEO Characteristics and IJV Effectiveness, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. August 2002.

Sheaffer, Z., Yeheskel, O., & Ganzach, Y. Radical Changes and Financial Performance: A Macro-Longitudinal Study, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. August 2002.

Yeheskel, O., & Lerner, M. Effects of Managerial, Structural and Cultural Variables of High-Tech Start-Ups on Their Performance, Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, University of Colorado. June 2002.

Yeheskel, O., Newburry, W., & Zeira, Y. The Relationship of Parent-Company Differentiation and Equity International Joint Ventures (EIJV) Effectiveness in China, Annual Conference of European International Business Academy, Paris, France. December 2001.


Yeheskel, O., & Ben-Ami, I. Corporate Sponsorship of the Arts in Israel, 2001 Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association, Jerusalem, Israel. February 2001.

Yeheskel, O., Newburry, W., & Zeira, Y. Equity International Joint Ventures (EIJV’s) and International Acquisitions (IA’s): Generic Differences in Their Pre and Post-Incorporation Stages- The Case of Israel, International Business Academy Annual Meeting, Maastricht. December 2000.

Yeheskel, O., Ben-Ami, I. Corporate Sponsorship of the Arts in Israel. The 26th Annual Social Theory, Policies and the Arts Conference, Washington, DC. October 2000.

Newburry, W., Zeira, Y. & Yeheskel, O. Autonomy of Equity International Joint Ventures in China. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Vienna, Austria. October 1998.

Newburry, W., Zeira, Y., & Yeheskel, O. Foreign Parent and CEO Assessment of Equity International Joint Venture (EIJV) Performance in China. European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Stuttgart. December 1997.

Newburry, W. Yeheskel, O. & Zeira, Y. The Impact of Structural and Managerial Variables on Equity International Joint Venture Effectiveness in China and Hungary. The Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Monterrey. October 1997.

Zeira, Y., Newburry, W., & Yeheskel, O. Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Equity International Joint Ventures (EIJV’s) in Hungary. Marketing Strategies for Central and Eastern Europe, Vienna, Hungary. December 1995.

Yeheskel, O., & Glicksohn, J. The Acquisition of Learning Skills Within a University Course: A Comparison of Two Groups, ICDE 16th World Conference Book, 1992.


Refereed Proceedings:


Sheaffer, Z., Honig, B., Tsionit, S., & Yeheskel, O. Radical Changes, Ideology, Dwindling Membership and Financial Distress: A Macro-Longitudinal Study, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Pervasive Computing and Management, Mumbai, India. January 9-10, 2009.


Yeheskel, O., & Lerner, M. Effects of Managerial, Structural and Cultural Variables of High-Tech Start-Ups on their Performance, Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, University of Colorado. June 2002.


Yeheskel, O., Newburry, W., & Zeira, Y. The Relationship of Parent-Company Differentiation and Equity International Joint Ventures (EIJV) Effectiveness in China, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of EIBA (European International Business Academy, Paris, France. December 2001


Yeheskel, O., Newburry, W., & Zeira, Y. Equity International Joint Ventures (IJV’s) and International Acquisitions (IA’s): General Differences in Their Pre and Post-Incorporation Stages – The Case of Israel, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of EIBA( European International Business Academy), Maastricht. December 2000.


Zeira, Y., Newburry, W., & Yeheskel, O. Foreign Parent and CEO Assessment of Equity International Joint Venture (EIJV) Performance in China, Best Paper Proceedings of the 23rd Annual European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference, December 1997 (Best Paper Award).


Zeira, Y., Newburry, W., & Yeheskel, O. Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Equity International Joint Ventures (EIJV’s) in Hungary, Proceedings of Marketing Strategies for Central and Eastern Europe, Vienna, Austria. December 1995.


Borovita, I., Taussig, I., Yeheskel, O. Strategic Information Systems Planning for National Public Health Service in Israel, Proceedings of HICSS22 – International Conference on System Sciences, January 1989.


Research Papers

Yeheskel, O., & Zviran, M. Leading Companies in the Israeli Hi-Tech Industry: Managerial Profile, (Tel Aviv University, Institute of Business Research, December 2004, 25pp.)

Yeheskel, O., Zeira, Y., & Newburry, W. Autonomy of Equity International Joint Ventures in China, (Tel Aviv University, Institute of Business Research, December 2000).

Zeira, Y., Pazy, A., Yeheskel, O., & Banai, M. Training Professionals in Host-Country Organizations, (Tel Aviv University, Institute of Business Research, Part II, January 1982, 149 pp.)

Zeira, Y., Pazy, A., Yeheskel, O., & Banai, M. Training Professionals in Host-Country Organizations, (Tel Aviv University, Institute of Business Research, Part II, January 1982, 149 pp.)

Zeira, Y., Pazy, A., Yeheskel, O., & Banai, M. Training Professionals in Host-Country Organizations, (Tel Aviv University, Institute of Business Research, Part I, December 1980, 87 pp.)


Current Research and Lectures:

New Managerial Paradigms for the “New Normal”

Managerial infrastructures in a VUCA and Disruptive world

Israeli High Tech Companies in China

The New Argonauts: Israeli Entrepreneurs in China.

Effects of Globalization on Current Organizational Theories.

Management challenges for Art and Culture Organizations


Fields of Research

International Strategic Alliances, Organizational change, Cross – culture mgt.



Yeheskel, O., Katorza, E., Steinitz, l., Fighting the Bat in a VUCA World: The Case of the Sheba Medical Center (SMC), The Case Center, case ref. 322-0098-1, 2022

Yeheskel, O., Globerson, S., The Impact of The Forth Industrial Revolution on Organizational Control, International Journal of Human Resource Studies, Vol. 10 (4), 2020

Yeheskel, O., Kozlovsky, B., "And the earth was void and empty…" – Traditional Organizations in a World of Complexity, Innovation and Disruption, Innovations In Management Journal of The Coller School of Management, (Hebrew), Vol. 6, July 2020

Sagiv T., Yeheskel, O., It Takes Three to Tango: Revisiting Paradox Management in Art and Culture Organizations, Organizational Aesthetics, 9(1): 53-71, 2020

Alon, I., Yeheskel, O., Lerner, M., Wenxian, Z., Internationalization of Chinese Entrepreneurial Firms, accepted for publication: International Business Review, Vol. 55, No. 5, October 2013


Almor, T., Yehezkel, O., Footloose and Fancy Free: Sojourning Entrepreneurs in China, accepted for publication: Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2013


Sheaffer, Z., Honig, B., Tsionit, S. & Yeheskel, O. Radical Changes, Ideology, Dwindling Membership and Financial Distress: A Macro-Longitudinal Study, European Management Journal. 2011, 29(4) pp. 201-305.


Yemini, M., & Yeheskel, O., Not Born Here -Evaluation of the Country of Origin Effect on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Israeli Engineering Students, The International Journal of Learning. Vol. 17, 2010, ISSN 1447-9494.


Newburry, W., Yeheskel, O., & Zeira Y., The Interaction of Parent-Company Differentiation With IJV Autonomy in Predicting IJV Effectiveness, Chinese Business Review. Vol. 9. No. 12, December 2010.


Yeheskel, O. & Shetach, A. (Guest Editors). Goal Accomplishment by Information Sharing and Organizational Cooperation. Journal of International Studies of Management and Organization, 39(3) Fall 2009 .


Yeheskel, O., & Shenkar, O. Knowledge Flows in International Business. A JIBS Citation Analysis. EuroMed Journal of Business. 2009, 4(2), pp.111-126.


Yeheskel, O. & Lerner, M. Born to Be Wild? – On Managerial Capabilities and Business Performance in Technology Start-Ups. International Studies of Management and Organization. 39(3) Fall 2009


Shenkar, O., Luo, Y., & Yeheskel, O. From “Distance” to “Friction”: Substituting Metaphors and Redirecting Intercultural Research. Academy of Management Review. 2008, 33(4), pp.905-925. IF 7.867


Yeheskel, O., Newburry, W., & Zeira, Y. Significant Differences in the Pre and Post-Incorporation Stages of Equity International Joint Ventures (IJV’s) and International Acquisition (IA’s), and their Impact on Effectiveness. International Business Review. 2004, 13(5), pp.613-636. IF 1.062


Zeira, Y., Yeheskel, O. & Newburry, W. International Joint Venture CEO versus Regional Headquarters Assessment of JV Effectiveness: A Matter of Perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2004, 15(4/5), pp. 670-687. IF 0.830


Newburry, W., Zeira, Y. & Yeheskel, O. Autonomy of International Joint Ventures (IJV’s) in China. International Business Review. 2003, 12(4), pp.395-419. IF 1.062


Yeheskel, O., Zeira, Y., Shenkar, O. & Newburry, W. Parent-Company Dissimilarity and Equity International Joint Ventures Effectiveness. Journal of International Management. 2001, 7(2), pp.81-104. IF 1.845


Yeheskel, O. Arkia Israel Airlines’ CEO Israel Borovich on Strategic Alliances and Growth (Interview). Academy of Management Executive. 2001, 15(1), pp.12-15


Yeheskel, O., Shenkar, O. Fiegenbaum, A., & Cohen, E. Cooperative Wealth Creation: Strategic Alliances in Israel Medical-Technology Ventures. Academy of Management Executive. 2001, 15(1), pp.16-24.


Zeira, Y., Newburry, W., & Yeheskel, O. Equity International Joint Ventures (EIJV’s) in Hungary: Factors Affecting Their Effectiveness. Management International Review. 1997, 37(3), pp. 259-278.


Borovitz, I., Ellis, S., & Yeheskel, O. Group Processes and the Development of Information Systems: A Social Psychological Perspective. Information and Management. 1990, 19, pp.65-72. IF 2.28