I am an Assistant Professor (“Senior Lecturer”) in the Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University. Before that I was a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia Business School and Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data, CUHK Shenzhen. In 2020 I received my PhD in Operations Research from the School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University, during which I also spent several months as a short-term visiting scholar at Tuck School of Business. My research revolves around the modeling and methodology of strategic, social, and behavioral interactions in service (congestion-prone) systems, with a strong emphasis on economic and managerial insights. Prior to my PhD, I worked for 5 years in developing Command-and-Control algorithms for the Israeli security system.
Dr. Ran Snitkovsky
Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר
סגל אקדמי בכיר
General Information
Research areas
Queueing Theory and Stochastic Systems
Game Theory and Strategic Behavior
Selected Publications
- Refael Hassin and Ran I Snitkovsky. Social and monopoly optimization in observable queues. Operations Research, 68(4):1178–1198, 2020.
- Refael Hassin and Ran I Snitkovsky. Strategic customer behavior in a queueing system with a loss subsystem. Queueing Systems, 86(3):361–387, 2017.
Working papers
- Laurens Debo and Ran I Snitkovsky. Tipping in service systems: The role of a social norm. Tuck School of Business Working Paper, 2018. (Reject and resubmit, Management Science)
- Laurens Debo and Ran I Snitkovsky. A modeling framework for tipping in the presence of a social norm. Columbia Business School Working Paper, 2021. (Major revision, Management Science)
- Refael Hassin and Ran I Snitkovsky. On the supermarket game with finitely many servers. Columbia Business School Working Paper, 2021.
- Liron Ravner and Ran I Snitkovsky. Stochastic approximation of symmetric Nash equilibria in queueing games. Columbia Business School Working Paper, 2021. (Minor revision, Operations Research)
- Ran I Snitkovsky, Jim G Dai, and Costis Maglaras. The value of knowing drivers’ opportunity cost in ride sharing systems. Columbia Business School Working Paper, 2021.
- John Yao, Costis Maglaras, Ran I Snitkovsky, Jim G Dai, and Assaf Zeevi. Observation-driven abandonment in congested systems. Columbia Business School Working Paper, 2022.
- Jingwei Ji, Ricky Roet-Green and Ran I Snitkovsky. Foresee the Next Line: On Information Disclosure in Tandem Queues, 2022. (Submitted, Manufacturing and Service Operation Management)