Dr. Ravit Cohen-Meitar

Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר
Dr. Ravit Cohen-Meitar
Phone: 03-6407609
Fax: 03-9245245
Office: Recanati - Business Administration, 416

General Information

Dr Ravit Cohen-Meitar is a faculty member at the Coller School of Management, and a lecturer and researcher in the area of organizational behavior.


She completed her doctoral studies at Bar-Ilan University’s Graduate School of Business Administration in 2007. She completed her MA studies at Columbia University in 1993.


Today, she is the Executive Director of the Eli Hurvitz Institute of Strategic Management at Tel Aviv University’s Coller School of Management.


She serves as an adjunct lecturer at Bar-Ilan University’s Graduate School of Business Administration.


She is also Deputy Managing Director and Senior Partner at Tmurot, an organizational consulting company, dealing with organizational development, guiding strategic processes of change in organizations, and consulting to CEOs and management teams.


Dr Cohen-Meitar’s research is concerned with strengthening the sense of meaning at work and cultivating creativity in the workplace.

Curriculum Vitae

1985-1988 BA in Behavioral Sciences (with distinction) – Department of Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

1993-1994 MA (with distinction) – Teachers College, Columbia University, USA

2004-2006 PhD – Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University

From 1995 Deputy Managing Director and Senior Partner at Tmurot, an organizational consulting company

From 2013 Executive Director of the Eli Hurvitz Institute of Strategic Management at the Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University

Areas of Research

Dr Cohen-Meitar’s research deals with the relations between meaningfulness at work and creativity, and ways of advancing and cultivating creativity in the workplace.


Paulus, P. B., Dickson, J., Korde, R., Coehn-Meitar, R., & Carmeli, A. (2016). Getting the Most out of Brainstorming Groups. In A. B. Markman (Ed.), Open Innovation: Academic and Practical Perspectives on the Journey from Idea to Market (pp. 43-70). New York: Oxford University Press.


Paulus, P. B., Korde, R.M., Dickson, J.D., Carmeli, A., & Cohen-Meitar, R. (2015). Asynchronous Brainstorming in an Industrial Setting: Evidence from Two Exploratory Studies. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57 (6), 1076–1094. DOI: 10.1177/0018720815570374


Meitar,A., & Cohen-Meitar R., (2010). Were the Vikings the First HR Executives?, Employment Relations Today, 10, 15-22.


Cohen-Meitar, R., Carmeli, A., & Waldman, D. A. (2009). Linking Meaningfulness in the Workplace to Employee Creativity: The Intervening Role of Organizational Identification and Positive Psychological Experiences. Creativity Research Journal, 21 (4), 361-375.


Carmeli, A., Meitar, R., & Elizur, D. (2007). The Role of Job Challenge and Organizational Identification in Enhancing Creative Behavior among Employees in the Workplace. Journal of Creative Behavior, 41 (2), 75-90.


Carmeli, A., Meitar, R., & Weisberg, J. (2006). Self-Leadership Skills and Innovative Behavior at Work. International Journal of Manpower, 27 (1), 75-90.


Shefer, N., Carmeli, A., & Cohen-Meitar, R. Positive regard as a source of in- and extra-role performance: The Mediating role of Vitality. Third Revision requested.



Papers Presented at Refereed Academic Conferences:

Shefer, N., Carmeli, A., & Cohen-Meitar, R. Positive Regard as a Source of Performance and OCB: The Mediating Role of Employees Vitality. A paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting (HR division) in Anaheim, California (Aug 6 – 9, 2016).


Cohen-Meitar, R., Carmeli, A., & Stephens, J.P. “Respectful and Caring Leadership as a Source of Meaningfulness, Thriving and Creative Behaviors.” A paper presented at the 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (ONE, HR and OB divisions) in Orlando, FL (August 9 – 13, 2013).


Cohen-Meitar, R. & Carmeli, A. “Relational leadership and positive experiences” Academy of  Management Meeting (Managerial and Organizational Cognition), Orlando, USA (2013).


Cohen-Meitar, R. & Carmeli, A. “Meaningfulness, Organizational Identification, Positive Experiences, and Creative Performance.” Academy of Management Meeting (Managerial and Organizational Cognition) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (3-8 August 2007).


Meitar & Cohen-Meitar, 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Were the Vikings the First HR Executives?

Media Coverage

  • Reshet, Experts’ Channel, 2019, “You’ve got it coming”, interview with Dr Ravit Cohen-Meitar
  • TheMarker, 13.02.19, It’s time for two family days a week
  • Ranihul, Askimo, 2018, Employee' engagement with Ilan Rani
  • Mako, 26.06.18. Have we found the best workplace in Israel? The employee gets a week’s holiday for his birthday
  • YNET, 18.01.12, How to get loyalty and commitment from new employees
  • TheMarker, 22.05.11, How do you lead change in a business?
  • YNET, 30.11.11, How do you retain the people who maintain your business?
  • YNET, 26.12.11, The ten commandments for motivating and pleasing in the workplace
  • Amitim, 2011, How do you push yourself to be your own leader?
  • TheMarker, 2011, How to retain the people who maintain your business
  • Neto, 2011, Leading others starts with the ability to lead yourself
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