Dr. Sagit Bar-Gill

Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר סגל אקדמי בכיר

General Information

Sagit Bar-Gill is an assistant professor of Technology Management and Information Systems at the Coller School of Management in Tel Aviv University, and a Digital Fellow at both MIT’s Initiative on the Digital Economy and Stanford's Digital Economy Lab

Her research is centered around the economics of online markets, and the impacts of digitization on firms and consumers. In her work, she combines economic modeling, econometric analysis, and online experiments to understand the online economy.  

Prior to joining TAU, Sagit was a postdoctoral associate at MIT’s Sloan School of Management and the Initiative on the Digital Economy. She holds a PhD and MA in economics, and a BSc in mathematics from Tel Aviv University.



Economics of digitization: online markets, media and internet economics, platfroms.


Helping Small Businesses become More Data-Driven: A Field Experiment (2023), with Erik Brynjolfsson and Nir Hak. Forthcoming in Management Science


Stuck Online: When Online Engagement Gets in the Way of Offline Sales (2021), with Shachar Reichman. MISQ, 45(2), pp. 755-788


The Impact of Social vs. Non-Social Referring Channels on Online News Consumption (2020), with Yael Inbar and Shachar Reichman. Management Science, 67(4), pp 2420-2447


Game of Platforms: Strategic Expansion into Rival (Online) Territory (2019) Journal of the Association of Information Systems, 20(10), pp. 1475-1502


Integration Policy: Cultural Transmission with Endogenous Fertility (2016), with Chaim Fershtman.  Journal of Population Economics, 29(1), pp. 105-133



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