Dr. Shoshi Chen

Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Shoshi Chen
Phone: 03-6408515
Office: Recanati - Business Administration, 443

Short Biography

Dr. Shoshi Chen is a Lecturer of organizational behavior at Tel Aviv University’s Coller School of Management. She received her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from the Faculty of Management at Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Over the years, she has consulted many organizations, developing and presenting executive programs including personal consulting. Her primary research interests are positive psychology and learning in organizations. Dr. Chen is the manager of Management Programs Development, Lahav Executive Education of Coller School of Management.

Fields of Research

Positive psychology, self-efficacy, engagement and learning in organizations.


Chen, S., Westman, M., & Eden, D. (2009). Impact of enhanced resources on anticipatory stress and adjustment to new information technology: A field-experimental test of conservation of resources theory. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14, 219-230.


Westman, M., Etzion, D., & Chen, S. (2009). The crossover of positive experiences from business travelers to their spouses. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24, 269-284


Chen, Y. P., Shaffer, M., Westman, M., Chen, S., Lazarova, M., & Reiche, S. (2014). Family role performance: Scale development and validation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 63, 190-218.


Chen, S., Westman, M., & Hobfoll, S. (2015). The commerce and crossover of resources: Resource conservation in the service of resiliency.  Stress & Healt,.  31(2), 95-105.


Shaffer, M. A., Reiche, B. S., Dimitrova, M., Lazarova, M., Westman, M., Chen, S., & Wurtz, O.  (2016). Work and family role adjustment of different types of global professionals: Scale development and validation. Journal of International Business Studies, 47, 113-139.


Gabel-Shemueli, R., Westman, M., ChenS., & Bahamonde, D. (2019). Does cultural intelligence increase work engagement? The role of idiocentrism-allocentrism and organizational culture in MNCs. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 48, 358-385.  .


Dimitrova, Mihaela & Reiche, B. & Westman, Mina & Chen, Shoshi & Wurtz, Olivier & Lazarova, Mila & Shaffer, Margaret. (2020). Expatriate Work Role Engagement: A Conditional Crossover and Spillover Perspective. In G. Atinc (Ed.), Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Online ISSN: 2151-6561.



Chapters in books


Westman, M., Hobfoll, S., Chen, S., Davidson, O., & Laski, S. (2004). Organizational stress through the lens of conservation of resources (COR) theory.  In P. Perrewe & D. Ganster (Eds.) Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being (Volume 4, pp. 171-224).


Westman, M., Etzion, D., & Chen, S. (2009). The impact of international business trips on the travelers and their spouses. In A. M. Rosi, J. Quick, & P. Perrewe (Eds.), Stress and quality of working life: The positive and the negative. Charlotte, NC: IAP – Information Age Publishing.


Westman, M., Etzion, D., & Chen, S. (2009). Are business trips a respite? In P. Perrewe, D. Ganster, & S. Sonnentag (Eds.) Research in occupational stress and well-being (Volume 7, pp. 167-204). . JAI Press/Elsevier Science.


Westman, M., & Chen, S. (2017). Crossover of burnout and engagement from managers to followers:, The role of social support. In C. Cooper & J. Quick (Eds.), Handbook of stress and health; A guide to research and practice 236-251. Wiley & Sons.


mpact of Enhanced Resources on Anticipatory Stress and Adjustment to New Information Technology: A Field Experiment won  First place in the student research competition on Work, Stress, and Health 2006: Making a Difference in the Workplace. The Sixth International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health APA - NIOSH (the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health).

Second place in the competition for best paper based on an intervention. In Work, Stress, and Health 2006: Making a Difference in the Workplace. The Sixth International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health APA - NIOSH (the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health).

“Expatriate Work Role Engagement: A Conditional Crossover and Spillover Perspective“ has won the 2020 IM Division Best Paper in OB / HRM / OT Award. The AOM annual meeting August 2020.

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