Prof. Dov Te'Eni

Emeritus in Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר אמריטוס
Prof. Dov Te'Eni
Phone: 03-6408112
Fax: 03-6409983
Office: Recanati - Business Administration, 324

Short Biography

Dov Te'eni is the Associate Dean for Research, and holds the Mexico Chair for Information Systems.

Dov studies visualization and feedback, knowledge sharing for innovation, combining cognitive and data analytic research methods, and design of systems that support decision making and creativity. He has collaborated in building prototype systems for organizational communication and knowledge sharing. Dov has published over 150 scientific papers, and among other publications, has co-authored with P. Zhang Human-computer interaction for developing effective organizational systems (Wiley), co-edited with D. Schwartz the Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management, co-edited with F. Rowe Innovation and IT in an International Context.

Dov is Editor of the European Journal of IS (EJIS). He has served as President of the world-wide Association of Information Systems. He was awarded AIS Fellowship in 2008, Vision award in 2011, Danish Velux Fellowship in 2015 and the AIS LEO award in 2015.

Fields of Research

Human Computer Interaction, organizational communication, knowledge management.


Te’eni D., J. Carey and P. Zhang (2007). Human-Computer Interaction:  Developing Effective Organizational Information Systems. John Wiley & Sons.


Schwartz D & Te’eni D. – Editors (2010). Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management, Volumes I & II, IGI – Second edition.


Sengupta K & Te'eni D (1993). Feedback in GDSS: Enhancing control and reducing conflict. MIS Quarterly, 17, 87-109.


Boland R, Tenkasi R & Te'eni D (1994). Designing Information Technology to Support Distributed Cognition. Organization Science, 5, 456-475.


Srinivasan A & Te'eni D (1995). Modeling as constrained problem solving: An empirical study of the data modeling process. Management Science, 41(3), 419-434.


Te'eni D. (2001). A Cognitive-Affective Model of Organizational Communication for Designing IT. MIS Quarterly 25 (2), 251-312 (MISQ Best paper award).


Katz A and Te’eni D. (2007). The contingent impact of contextualization on computer-mediated collaboration. Organization Science, 18(2), pp. 261-279.


Rowe F. & Te’eni D. – Editors (2014) Innovation and IT in an international context: R&D strategy and operations, Palgrave.


Katz A. & Te'eni D. (2014). The role of communication complexity in adaptive contextualization. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 57(2), June, 98 - 112.


Aakhus M., Ågerfalk P., Lyytinen K. and Te'eni D. (2015). Symbolic action research in information systems: Introduction to the special issue, MIS Quarterly.


M. Levy, I. Hadar, D. Te'eni, N.  Unkelos-Shpigel, S. Sherman, N. Abergel (2016), "Social Networking in an Academic Conference Context: Insights from a case Study", Information Technology & People


Ganor N. & Te'eni D. (2016). Designing interfaces for older users: effects of icon detail and semantic distance, Transactions on HCI, 2015.


Te’eni D. (forthcoming 2018). Levels of Abstractions in HCI: Theory, Implications and Design. Proceedings of the 2018 Pre-ICIS SIG-HCI Workshop


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