Prof. Dan Weiss

Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Dan Weiss
Phone: 03-6406303
Office: Lorry Lokey, 1028

Short Biography

Dan Weiss is the director of Harel Center for Capital Market Research at Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University. His research explores financial and managerial accounting, insurance and corporate governance. Dan joined Tel Aviv University on 2003 from the University of California at Davis. Dan was the Editor of Journal of Management Accounting Research and earned the Lybrand Certificate of Merit Award and several teaching awards in MBA and Executive MBA programs. Dan is a certified public accountant and an information systems engineer.



Kaplan Robert S., Dan Weiss, and Eyal Desheh. Transfer Pricing with ABC. Management Accounting (May 1997): 20-28. (Winner of the 1999 Lybrand Certificate of Merit Award presented by Institute of Management Accountants)

Biyalogorsky Eyal, Eitan Gerstner, Dan Weiss, and Jinhong Xie. 2005. The Economics of Service Upgrades.  Journal of Service Research 7(3): 234-244. Impact factor – 6.38.    

Beja Avraham, and Dan Weiss. 2006. Some Informational Aspects of Conservatism. European Accounting Review 15(4): 585-604. Impact factor – 3.42. 

Weiss Dan, Prasad A. Naik, and Chih-Ling Tsai. 2008. Extracting Forward Looking Information from Security Prices – A New approach. The Accounting Review, 83(4), 1101-1124.  Impact factor – 3.99.                           

Weiss Dan, Prasad A. Naik, and Ram Weiss. 2009. The Big Pharma Dilemma: Develop New Products or Promote Existing Ones?  Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 8(7):535-536.   Impact factor – 112.3.  (a paper published in a journal with the highest Impact Factor among ALL management scholars in Financial Times top 20 business schools).        

Weiss Dan, and Michael W. Maher. 2009. Operational Hedging against Catastrophes. Journal of Operations Management, 27, 362-373. Impact factor – 6.36.        

(Winner of the Best Paper Award at The 2nd European Risk Conference and selected as one of three finalists for the 2009 Best Paper Award for papers published in the Journal of Operations Management).      

Weiss Dan. 2010.Cost Behavior and Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts. The Accounting Review.  85(4): 1441-1471. Impact factor – 3.99.      

Weiss Dan. 2011. Discussion of Examining Shareholder Value Creation over CEO Tenure: A New Approach to Testing Effectiveness of Executive Compensation.  Journal of Management Accounting Research. 23, 29-36.

Kama Itay, and Dan Weiss. 2013. Do Earnings Targets and Managerial Incentives Affect Sticky Costs?  Journal of Accounting Research. 51, 201-224.  Impact factor – 4.89.       

Weiss Dan, Haim Falk, and Uri Ben Zion. Earnings Variability and Disclosure of R&D: Evidence from Press Releases.  2014. Accounting and Finance. 53(3), 837–865. Impact factor – 2.87.

Weiss Dan. 2014. Internal Controls in Family-owned Firms. European Accounting Review 23(3), 463-482.  Impact factor – 3.42.        

Shust Efrat, and Dan Weiss. 2014. Sticky Costs: Cash Flow versus Expenses. Journal of Management Accounting Research. 26(2), 81-90. (invited article).

Michael-Tsabari, N. and Weiss, D., 2015. Communication Traps: Applying Game Theory to Succession in Family Firms. Family Business Review, 28(1), 26-40. Impact factor – 6.19.

Ciftci Mustafa, Raj Mashruwala, and Dan Weiss. 2016. Implications of Cost Behavior for Analysts Earnings Forecasts. Journal of Management Accounting Research. 28(1), 57-80.

Aboody David, Shai Levi, and Dan Weiss. 2018. Managerial Incentives, Options, and Cost-Structure Choices. Review of Accounting Studies 23(2), 422-451. Impact factor – 4.19.   

Ben Shahar Danny, Abraham Carmeli, Eyal Sulganik and Dan Weiss. 2023. Power and Dominant Coalitions in Family Business, Academy of Management Review. 48(3), 530-555. Impact factor – 12.60.       

Siciliano Gianfranco and Dan Weiss. 2023. Family Ownership Influence on Cost Elasticity. European Accounting Review. 1-31. Impact factor – 3.42

Ben-Shahar, D., Carmeli, A., Sulganik, E. and Weiss, D., 2024. Regulating diversity and inclusiveness in boards of directors. Academy of Management Perspectives. 38(3), 456-461. Impact factor – 8.9.

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