Prof. Yael Steinhart

Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Yael Steinhart
Phone: 03-6409959
Office: Lorry Lokey, 2087

Short Biography

Prof. Steinhart is the Dean at the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University.

Her research is focused on Consumer Behavior. Her Work has been published in leading journals, such as the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Psychological Science, Harvard Business Review, Marketing Letters, and Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Yael serves as an Area Editor at the International Journal of Research in Marketing, and on the editorial review board of the Journal of Consumer Psychology and of the Journal of Interactive Marketing, and as an ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Letters, and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Yael has a B.A. in Psychology and Business Administration, MBA and PhD degrees in Business Administration all from Tel-Aviv University. Before joining Tel-Aviv University she was a faculty member in Haifa University and a visiting scholar in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Fields of Research

Consumer behavior, motivation, decision making and judgments, and creativity.



  • Munichor N. and Steinhart, Y. Coping with Experiences of Sociomoral Violations Through Consumption of Anger-Eliciting Content. Psychology & Marketing. Forthcoming.
  • Moldovan. S. Shoham, M. and Steinhart, Y. (2023). Sending Mixed Signals: How Congruent versus Incongruent Signals of Popularity Affect Product Appeal. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 40 (4), 881-897.
  • Steinhart,Y. Nitzan I., Goldenberg J. and Mazursky D. (2022). The Positive Effect of Physical Constraints on Consumer Evaluations of Service Providers. Plos One. 17.10.  e0275348.
  • Perez, D. Steinhart, Y. Grinstein, A. and Morren. M. (2021). Consistency in identity related sequential decisions. Plos One. 16.2. e0260048.
  • Pundak, C., Steinhart, Y. and Goldenberg J. (2021). Nonmaleficence in Shaming: The Ethical Dilemma Underlying Participation in Online Public Shaming. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31 (3), 478-500.
    *The paper is based on Chen Pundak PhD thesis.
  • Grinstein A, Bareket Bojmel L. and Steinhart Y.  (2020). Embrace the Debate: Goals, De-marketing Overconsumption, and Conflicting Information. Psychology & Marketing, 37 (11), 1484-1497.
  • Fan, T., Gao, L. and Steinhart, Y., (2020). When small predicts large: The effect of early small contributions on subsequent contributions to a  crowdfunding project Journal of Consumer Research. 41, 418-435
  • Steinhart, Y., Mazursky, D. and Kamins, M. (2019). Influence of the "Benefit of the Doubt" in Online Auctions. Marketing Letters. 30, 245–260.  
  • Steinhart, Y. and Yuwei, J. (2019). Securing the Future: Threat to Self-Image Spurs Financial Saving Intentions, *Equal contribution. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition. 117, 741-757. 
  • Moldovan, S., Steinhart , Y.  and Lehmann, D. R. (2019). Propagators, Creativity, and Informativeness: What Helps Ads Go Viral. Journal of Interactive Marketing. 47, 102-114. 
  • Ein-Gar, D. and Steinhart, Y. (2017). Self-control and task timing shift self-efficacy and influence willingness to engage in effortful tasksFrontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology. 8, article 1788. 
  • Zvilichovsky, D., Danziger S. and Steinhart, Y. (2017). Making it happen: A driver of crowdfunding participation. Journal of Interactive Marketing. 41, 81-93.
  • Shoham M., Moldovan, S. and Steinhart, Y. (2017). Positively useless: Irrelevant negative information enhances positive impressions. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(2) , 147-159.
    *The paper is based on Meyrav Shoham PhD thesis. 
  • Munichor N. and Steinhart, Y.  (2016). Saying no to the glow: Why consumers resist arrogant brands. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2 (26), 179-192. 
  • Disatnik, D. and Steinhart , Y.  (2015). Need for cognitive closure, risk aversion, uncertainty changes, and their effect on investment decisions. Journal of Marketing Research52 (3), 349-359.
  • Moldovan, S., Steinhart, Y. and Ofen, S. (2014).  "Share and Scare": Solving the communication dilemma of early adopters with a high need for uniqueness. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25(1), 1-14.
  • Jiang, Y., Adaval, R., Steinhart, Y. and Wyer, R. (2014). Imagining yourself in the scene: The interactive effects of goal driven self-imagery and visual perspectives on consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 41,418-435.
  • Steinhart, Y., Kamins, M., Mazursky, D. and Noy, A. (2014). Effects of product type and contextual cues on eliciting naïve theories of popularity and exclusivity article typeJournal of Consumer Psychology, 24 (4), 472-483.
  • Carmon, Z., Steinhart, Y. and Trope, Y. (2013). Why scary health warnings can boost sales. Harvard Business Review, 91 (10) 30.
  • Perez, D. and Steinhart , Y. (2013). Its not Personal: The differential effect of activation in advertising as a function of personalization levels. Social Influence,9 (3) , 224-241.
    *The paper is based on Dikla Perez master thesis. 
  • Steinhart, Y. , Ayalon, O., and Poterman, H. (2013). The perception of the "eco-label" and its impact on the consumer’s attitude toward luxury versus utilitarian productsJournal of Cleaner Production, 53 (15), 277-286.
    *The paper is based on Hila Poterman master thesis.
  • Steinhart, Y., Carmon, Z. and Trope Y. (2013). Distant warnings of adverse side-effects can backfire. Psychological Science, 24 (9), 1842-1847.
  • Steinhart, Y., Mazursky, D. and Kamins, M. (2013). The process by which product availability triggers purchase. Marketing Letters, 24 (3), 217-228.
  • Steinhart, Y., Kamins, M., and Mazursky, D. (2013). The "Temporal-processing-fit-effect": The interplay between regulatory state, temporal distance, and construal levels. Social Cognition, 31, 315-335.
  • Steinhart, Y., Kamins, M., Mazursky, D. and Noy, A. (2013). Thinking or feeling the risk: the differential effect of priming the dual system on the amount bid in online auctions. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27, 47-61.
  • Steinhart, Y. (2012). All that glitters is not gold: The downside of creativity in advertising. Marketing Letters, 23, 195-208.
  • Steinhart, Y. (2012). When implicit promises override explicit promises: The effectiveness of guarantees and diagnostic kits in improving product evaluations. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (11/12), 1708 – 1725.
  • Kamins, M., Noy, A., Steinhart, Y. and Mazursky, D. (2011)Bidders beliefs and the effect of others on sniping in internet auctions. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 25 (4), 241-250.
  • Ein-Gar, D. and Steinhart, Y. (2011)The "Sprinter Effect": When motivation and self-control become too much. *Equal contribution, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21(3), 240-255.
  • Steinhart, Y. and Wyer, R. J. (2009)Motivational roots of need for cognition: The role of prevention and promotion focusEuropean Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 608-621.
  • Moldovan, S., Steinhart , Y.  and Lehmann, D. R. (2019). Propagators, Creativity, and Informativeness: What Helps Ads Go Viral. Journal of Interactive Marketing47, 102-114.


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