Dr. Yuval Kalish

Executive MBA
מנהל עסקים למנהלים מורה מן החוץ
Dr. Yuval Kalish
Phone: 03-6409003
Fax: 03-6409003

Short Biography

Yuval Kalish is Associate Professor of Leadership at Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University, where he also serves as Academic Director for Kellogg-Recanati and for the Executive MBA. He completed his PhD (psychology, cum laude) at the University of Melbourne, his Post-Doc at the Hebrew University and in served as an adjunct in the Center for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem. 

His research focuses on social networks, and particularly, the relationship between individual attributes such as personality, cognitive ability, attractiveness, gender, stress and the dynamics of friendship and leadership networks.  His research has been published in leading journals, including Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management. The model he developed for the statistical analysis of social networks has received the “most cited paper” award in 2012 in the field of social networks analysis and two his papers have been on the top-ten most cited papers in Social Networks for the last five years. He received multiple competitive grants, among them the Israeli Science Foundation, the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, and has received a six-month fellowship in the Institute of Advanced Studies.

Fields of Research

Social networks


Interorganizational learning

Selected Publications

Kalish, Y., and Robins, G. (2006). The relationship between individual predispositions, structural holes and network closure, Social Networks 28(1): 56-84


Robins, G., Pattison, P., Kalish, Y., and Lusher, D. (2007). An introduction to exponential random graph (p*) models for social networks. Social Networks 29(2): 173-191 


Luria, G., Kalish, Y., & Weinstein, M. (2014). Learning disability and leadership: Becoming an effective leader. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35(6): 747-761.


Kalish, Y., Luria, G., Toker, S., and Westman, M. (2015). Till stress do us part: on the interplay between perceived stress and communication network dynamics. Journal of Applied Psychology , 100(6): 1737-1751.


Kalish, Y., & Luria, G. (2016). Leadership emergence over time in short-lived groups: Integrating expectations states theory with temporal person-perception and self-serving bias. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(10): 1474-1486.


Shwed, U., Kalish, Y., & Shavit, Y. (2018). Multicultural or Assimilationist Education: Contact Theory and Social Identity Theory in Israeli Arab–Jewish Integrated Schools. European Sociological Review, 34(6): 645-658


Kalish, Y. (2020). Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models for the Co-Evolution of Networks and Behavior: An Introduction and Tutorial. Organizational Research Methods, 23(3), 511-534.


Kalish, Y., & Luria, G. (2021). Traits and time in leadership emergence: A longitudinal study. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(2), 101443.


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