Academics - Undergraduate




Exchange Students can access a wide variety of courses taught at The Coller School of Management as well as courses in other faculty at Tel Aviv University (such as Law and Economics) taught in English.

Current Course Lists

Fall 2023 Courses 

Spring 2024 Courses 

Previous Year's Course Lists

Fall 2022 Courses




Course Load

Each term at Coller School of Management runs 13 or 14 weeks and is divided into two modules. Undergraduate Exchange students may come for a full semester module. 

Students are expected to take 4-6 Coller credits per semester within the Coller faculty (1 Coller credit = 4 ECTS).

*The final list is published a month before each semester (varies).


For Full Academic Guidelines Click Here


Add/Drop Policy

Students may add or drop courses during the first week of each module, depending on spot availability.

Any courses that are not removed during this time must have all coursework completed or will appear as “Failed”/“Incomplete” on the final transcript.

Course changes may be made by emailing the incoming student coordinator.


Learning Expectations

The learning experience at Coller combines frontal lectures with case studies and teamwork. The evaluation of class participation and attendance differs between classes and is made at the teacher's discretion.


Courses in Other Faculties

Students are encouraged to take the majority of their courses within the Coller School of Management, however, they are also welcome to take courses from other faculties, provided that any necessary prerequisites are met. It is at the home school’s discretion to accredit any and all courses. To register for courses in other faculties, please contact your incoming student coordinator.

The Eitan Berglas School of Economics: Open to students with a sufficient background in economics.

TAU International (undergraduate level): Open to all students, please note that courses are at an undergraduate level, and it is up to the home university to decide whether to accredit them.

The Buchman Faculty of Law: Open to all students, some courses may require prerequisites.


Language Courses

Hebrew language courses are offered by TAU International at an additional cost and are not considered part of the partner's school agreement.



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