Academics - Graduate



Tel Aviv University's grading system is based on a scale of 0-100:

  • 95-100 = excellent
  • 85-94 = very good
  • 75-84 = good
  • 65-74 = fairly good
  • 60-64 = fair
  • 0-60 = fail​

Courses of the Student Exchange Program will be graded on a curve with a class average between 85-89 percent and a standard deviation of 7-8.

Grades will be reported within 3 weeks of the final.

A passing grade is 60%.




Most courses are one TAU credit, equivalent to two academic hours once a week, for 14 weeks. 1 credit at the Coller School of Management is equivalent to 4 ECTS (European Credits).


For Full Academic Guidelines Click Here



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