TAU Finance Conference - Program 2015

Tel Aviv Finance Conference

Tel Aviv University

Recanati Graduate School of Business

December 15-16 & 17, 2015



Tuesday December 15



Registration and light refreshment Recanati Building 4floor room 405





Opening remarks and welcome

Moshe Zviran (Dean)

Session I: Chair -  Nittai Bergman (MIT Sloan)

Financing Payouts

Joan Farre-Mensa (Harvard Business School), Roni Michaely (Cornell University and IDC), Martin Schmalz (University of Michigan)

Discussant: Andrew Ellul (Indiana University)


Do Director Elections Matter?

Vyacheslav Fos (Boston College), Kai Li (University of British Columbia), Margarita Tsoutsoura (University of Chicago)

Discussant: Enrique Schroth (London City University)


Coffee break

Session II: Chair – Amir Rubin  (IDC)


Access to Credit and Stock Market Participation

Serhiy Kozak (University of Michigan), Denis Sosyura (University of Michigan)

Discussant : Hans K. Hvide (Bergen University)


Do Short-Sellers Profit From Mutual Funds? Evidence from Daily Trades

Salman Arif (Indiana University), Azi Ben-Rephael (Indiana University), Charles M.C. Lee (Stanford GSB)

Discussant : Sebastien Michenaud (Rice University)




Coffee break

Mispriced Stocks and Mutual Fund Performance

Doron Avramov (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Allaudeen Hameed (National University of Singapore), Si Cheng (Queen’s University Belfast)

Discussant : Alex Chinco (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)  







Wednesday December 16



Gathering and light breakfast



Session III: Chair –  Ohad Kadan  (University of Washington)


Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

Frank Schorfheide (University of Pennsylvania), Dongho Song (Boston College), Amir Yaron (University of Pennsylvania)

Discussant: Andrea Tamoni (LSE).




Assortative Matching in Managerial Labor Markets: Theory and Measurement

Egor Matveyev (University of Alberta)

Discussant: Beau Page (Houston University).


Coffee break

Session IV: Chair –  Ilan Kremer (Hebrew University)


The Leverage Ratchet Effect

Anat R Admati (Stanford Graduate School of Business), Peter M. DeMarzo (Stanford Graduate School of Business), Paul Pfleiderer (Stanford Graduate School of Business)

Discussant: Eli Berkovitch (IDC).

Timing Decisions in Organizations: Communication and Authority in a Dynamic Environment

Steven R. Grenadier (Stanford Graduate School of Business), Andrey Malenko (MIT Sloan School of Management), Nadya Malenko (Boston College, Carroll School of Management)

Discussant: Basil Williams (NYU)


Lunch at the 2nd floor patio


Session V: Chair -  Ron Kaniel  (University of Rochester)




High-Frequency Trading around Large Institutional Orders

Albert J. Menkveld (VU University Amsterdam), Vincent van Kervel (VU University Amsterdam)

Discussant : Neal Pearson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)







The Strategic Under-Reporting of Bank Risk

Taylor Begley (London Business School), Amiyatosh Purnanandam (University of Michigan), KC Zheng (University of Michigan)

Discussant : Mauricio Larrain (Columbia University)

Coffee break

Anti-competitive effects of common ownership

Jose Azar (Charles River Associates), Martin Schmalz (Stephen M. Ross School of Business), Isabel Tecu (Charles River Associates)

Discussant: Ian Appel (Boston College)



Thursday December 17



Day trip. Bus leaves from TAU campus


Return to TAU campus


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