Clone of The 11th TAU Finance Conference
Tel Aviv Finance Conference
Tel Aviv University
Coller School of Management
December 13-14 & 15, 2022
(Room 405)
Tuesday December 13
13:00-13:30 |
Registration and light refreshment
Opening remarks and welcome
13:45-15:15 |
Session 1: Chair – Yaron Leitner (Washington University in St. Louis) |
Public Debt and the Balance Sheet of the Private Sector Hans Gersbach (ETH Zürich), Jean-Charles Rochet (Université de Genève), Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (Universität Mannheim) Discussant: Norman Schürhoff (HEC Lausanne)
The Voting Premium Doron Levit (University of Washington), Nadya Malenko (University of Michigan), Ernst Maug (University of Mannheim) Discussant: Vladimir Vladimirov (University of Amsterdam)
15:15-15:45 |
Coffee break
15:45-17:15 |
Session 2: Chair – Ilan Kremer (Hebrew University) |
Non-Standard Errors Albert Menkveld (VU Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute) et al Retail Trading in Options and the Rise of the Big Three Wholesalers Svetlana Bryzgalova (London Business School), Anna Pavlova (London Business School), Taisiya Sikorskaya (London Business School) Discussant: Mirela Sandulescu (University of Michigan)
17:30-18:15 |
Coffee break Learning from Prospectuses Simona Abis (Columbia University), Andrea Buffa (University of Colorado), Apoorva Javadekar (Indian School of Business), Anton Lines (Columbia University) Discussant: Azi Ben-Rephael (Rutgers University) |
19:00 |
Conference Dinner |
Wednesday December 14
08:30-09:30 |
Gathering and light breakfast |
09:30-11:00 |
Session 3: Chair – Ilan Cooper (University of Haifa) |
Identifying preference for early resolution from asset prices Hengjie Ai (University of Minnesota), Ravi Bansal (Duke University), Hongye Guo (Hong Kong University), Amir Yaron (Bank of Israel and Wharton) Discussant: Lukas Schmid (University of Southern California)
Noisy Factors Pat Akey (University of Toronto), Adriana Robertson (University of Chicago), Mikhail Simutin (University of Toronto) Discussant: Gill Segal (University of North Carolina)
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee break
11:30-13:00 |
Session 4: Chair – Alberto Manconi (Bocconi University) |
Noisy FOMC Returns Oliver Boguth (Arizona State University), Vincent Grégoire (HEC Montéral), Charles Martineau (University of Toronto) Discussant: Dino Palazzo (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Trading Ahead of Barbarians' Arrival at the Gate: Insider Trading on Non-Inside Information Georgy Chabakauri (London School of Economics), Vyacheslav Fos (Boston College), Wei Jiang (Columbia University) Discussant: Ron Kaniel (University of Rochester)
13:00-14:30 |
14:30-16:00 |
Session 5: Chair - Roni Michaely (University of Hong Kong) Session sponsored by the Vicky and Joseph Safra Research Institute for Banking and Financial Intermediation |
Can Social Media Inform Corporate Decisions? Evidence from Merger Withdrawals Anthony Cookson (University of Colorado), Marina Niessner (Wharton), Christoph Schiller (Arizona State University) Discussant: Ekaterina Neretina (University of Southern California)
Systemic Fragility in Decentralized Markets Alfred Lehar (University of Calgary), Christine A. Parlour (UC Berkeley) Discussant: Gustavo Schwenkler (Santa Clara University) |
Thursday December 15
07:45 |
Day trip to Jerusalem . Bus leaves from TAU campus |
19:30 |
Return to TAU campus |