TAU Finance Conference - Program 2017

Tel Aviv Finance Conference

Tel Aviv University

Coller  School of Management

December 17-18 & 19, 2017



Sunday December 17 2017



Registration and light refreshment 





Opening remarks and welcome

Moshe Zviran (Dean)

Session I: Chair - Amir Yaron (University of Pennsylvania)
In Defense of Market Efficiency: Evidence from Two Million Strategies
Tarun Chordia (Emory University), Amit Goyal (SFI), Alessio Saretto (University of Texas, Dallas)
Discussant : Ohad Kadan (Washington University)


Informed Trading in the Stock Market and Option Price Discovery
Pierre Collin-Dufresne (Swiss Finance Institute), Vyacheslav Fos (Boston College), Dmitry Muravyev (Boston College)
Discussant: Neil Pearson (University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne)


Coffee break


Session II: Chair - David Goldreich (University of Toronto)
Does Competition Protect Retail Investors? Role of Financial Advice
Yang Sun (Brandeis University)
Discussant : Nic Schaub (University of St. Gallen)


The Ostrich in Us: Selective Attention to Financial Accounts, Income, Spending, and Liquidity

Arna Olafsson (Copenhagen Business School), Michaela Pagel (Columbia University)

Discussant : Inessa Liskovich (University of Texas, Austin)


Coffee break


Locked in by Leverage: Job Search during the Housing Crisis
Jennifer Brown (UBC), David A. Matsa (Kellogg School of Management)
Discussant : Vikram Nanda (University of Texas, Dallas)

19:30 Dinner


Monday December 18 2017



Gathering and light breakfast


Session III: Chair – Artur Raviv (Kellogg School of Management)

Dynamic Information Acquisition and Strategic Trading
Snehal Banerjee (USCD), Bradyn Breon-Drish (USCD) Discussant: Alberto Teguia (SFI)


Blockchain Disruption and Smart Contracts
Lin William Cong (University of Chicago), Zhiguo He (University of Chicago)
Discussant: Hongda Zhong (LSE)


Coffee break


Session IV: Chair –Eitan Goldman (Indiana University)

Does Economic Insecurity Affect Employee Innovation
Shai Bernstein (Stanford University), Timothy McQuade (Stanford University),(GSB), and Richard R. Townsend (UCSD)
Discussant: Andrew Ellul (Indiana University)

Destructive Creation at Work: How Financial Distress Spurs Entrepreneurship

Tania Babina (Columbia Business School)

Discussant:Matthias Efing (HEC)


Lunch at the 2nd floor patio


Session V: Chair- Meni Abudy (Bar Ilan University)
Inside Brokers
Frank Weikai Li (HKUST), Abhiroop Mukherjee (HKUST), Rik Sen (University of New South Wales),
Discussant :Noah Stoffman (Indiana University)




The Information Content of Dividends: Safer Profits, not Higher Profits

Roni Michaely (Cornell University), Stefano Rossi (Bocconi University), Michael Weber (Chicago Booth School of Business)
DiscussantRan Duchin (University of Washington)


Coffee break





Tuesday December 19



Day trip. Bus leaves from TAU campus


Return to TAU campus


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