Coller $1,000,000 Startup Competition
May 16, 2017
- General: All submitted startups must be “for profit” entities.
- Entry Fees: The COLLER $1,000,000 STARTUP COMPETITION does not have an entry fee.
- Entry Conditions:
To enter this competition, a team must:
- Have at least one member who is currently enrolled or has graduated from Tel Aviv University within the past five years.
I.TAU member must own at least 10% of the firm if the team has already incorporated a firm.
II.TAU member must own the idea if the team has not incorporated a firm.
- Have a working prototype (e.g. Alpha, MVP, Demo, Mockup).
- Have a maximum of $25,000 in external funding (e.g., grant, investors, etc.)
- Have a maximum of $25,000 in revenues.
- Have at least one member who is currently enrolled or has graduated from Tel Aviv University within the past five years.
- Submission: The submission package must include:
- Executive Summary
- Pitch Deck of 6-12 Slides
- Founder CVs
- Team Video
Can submit optional documents: - Prototype/MVP demo video
- Traction Summary
- Lean Canvas
- Explainer Video
All submissions will be handled using
- Judges: Winners will be selected by a cross section of members of the startup community, which may include VCs, Angel Investors, Academics and Entrepreneurs.
- Feedback: All teams that submit complete applications will receive feedback on their submissions from the Judges. It is our expectation that, even if a team is not selected to compete, the application process will provide a unique coaching opportunity for developing ventures. Feedback will be available after invited teams are announced.
- Non-confidentiality: All sessions of the Competition, including but not limited to oral presentations and question/answer sessions, are open to the public at large. Any and all of these sessions may be broadcast to interested persons through media which may include radio, television and the Internet. Any data or information discussed or divulged in public sessions by entrants should be considered information that could possibly enter the public realm, and entrants should not assume any right of confidentiality in any data or information discussed, divulged, or presented in these sessions. Due to the nature of the competition, we are not able to ask judges, reviewers, staff, or the audience to agree to or sign non-disclosure statements. However, TAU, the organizer of the COLLER $1,000,000 STARTUP COMPETITION, will make every effort to limit distribution of materials presented at the Competition. TAU cannot guarantee that other individuals will not obtain access to electronic or hard copies of the business plan. All presentations are open to the general public, and some presentations may be videotaped. Attendance by media personnel is expected.
- Copyrights & Permissions: If a team uses copyrighted materials and/or images from a third party in their submissions or presentations, they must obtain permission and authorization in advance from the owners to use this material and submit the written permissions with the application package.
- Information presented by participants at the Competition is the sole responsibility of participants, TAU and any of its affiliates, has not taken, and does not intend to take, any steps to verify the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information, materials or statements made by participants. Participants, and not TAU, is responsible for ensuring participants’ compliance with all applicable federal, state and other securities laws, and it is solely participants’ responsibility to comply with any of such laws that are applicable. TAU does not give investment advice, endorsement, analysis or recommendations with respect to any securities and is not a broker, venture fund or an investment advisor.
- Use of Competition Materials: TAU reserves the right to use any material prepared for the COLLER $1,000,000 STARTUP COMPETITION in publicizing and promoting the event. TAU may use these materials in any printed materials and any videotape or other medium that it may produce. TAU may videotape any portion of the Competition and utilize these tapes in any way that its sees fit. TAU may use general Company information in press releases.
- Judging Rubric. The submissions will be judged along the following rubric:
- Team quality (including execution capabilities) 25%
- Opportunity and market size 20%
- Unique Value Proposition 10%
- Business model (and ability to scale) 15%
- Innovation/Technology quality 20%
- Presentation quality and skills 10%
- Changes to Competition Rules: While not anticipated, these rules and prizes are subject to change at the discretion of TAU at any time. TAU staff has the right to interpret these rules according to its own judgment.
- Decisions regarding the Competition and the Winners: All decisions regarding the competition rules, procedures, and processes are at the sole discretion of TAU. Changes and/or interpretations of these rules may be made by TAU at any time. The selection of the teams to compete and the decision of the winners are at the sole discretion of the Judges and TAU. Best efforts will be made to make decisions in accordance with this Official Rules document.
- Winning conditions and awards
- First Place Award
The best startup as selected by the Judges will be awarded US$5,000 provided by Mr. Coller.
Winning teams may elect to exchange first prize for a US$100,000 investment into the winning startup at a Post Money Valuation of one million dollars (e.g. investors get 10% ownership in the winning startup) provided by TAU or its affiliates. Terms of such investment to be negotiated within 90 days of the conclusion of the Competition. Failure to agree to terms within this timeframe will be deemed a forfeit of the investment opportunity by the winners, and first prize will revert to US$5,000 provided by Mr. Coller.
In addition, First Place winners will receive:
a. A library of startup books.
b. An offer to join the TAU on campus incubator for 6 months.
c. $5,000 in paid mentoring.
- Second Place Award
Four companies will win the second place prize.
Second place winners will receive:
a. A library of startup books.
b. $5,000 in paid mentoring.
Third Place Award
Five companies will win the third place prize.
Third place winners will receive a library of startup books
- First Place Award