Clone of Marketing Seminars 2023-2024

Academic Year 2023-2024, Semester A

Note all seminars are scheduled for face-to-face between 13:00-14:00

Date Speaker/Affiliation Presentation

Gil Appel

George Washington University


Yonatan Vanunu

Chicago Booth

Selective Attention and Consumer Decision-Making


Maayan Malter


Selective attention and consumer decision-making

Feb- 6

Nurit Shnabel

 The Needs-based Model of Reconciliation: Main Findings and New Directions

Feb- 13

Stav Rosenzweig

Winners and losers from an environmental policy in the car market
Feb- 20

Atar Herzige

Meaning Matters: On Consumer Empowerment in Material Recovery Initiatives
Feb- 26 Coby Morvinski
A Journal into Using Large Scale Datasets to Address Behavioral Research Questions
Mar- 5 Raphael Thomsadsen
Washington University
Can Messaging Lear to More Effective Subscription Sign-ups? Insights from a Field Experiment
MAr-12 Shai Danziger

Wolt For Your Food Delivery: Using Phonesthemes To Imbue Non-word Brand Names With Meaning

May-7 Shiri Melumad
Wharton School
How Consumers Search for and Disseminate Information Online
Jun-18 Nurit Nobel
Close to Home :Using Proximal Cues to Enhance Climate Resilience
via Zoom:
2.7.24 David Faro
London Business School
Temporal Frames of Environmental Threats
9.7.24 Avi Goldfarb
University of Toronto
Communicating Uncertainty and A.I. Adoption
via Zoom at 19:00 (TLV
16.7.24 Iaty Fainmesser & Xudong Zheng
Johns Hopkins University
via zoom at 19:00 ( TLV):
23.7.24 Meyrav Shoham
Tel Aviv University
Tie Aversion



Marketing Seminars 2022-2023

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