Strategic Management

Strategic Management at the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv Univesity
Date Position Details Contact
10 April 2016

Tenure-Track/Tenured Faculty Position in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship

The School of Management at Tel Aiviv University is announcing the opening of one full-time, tenure-track/tenured faculty position in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. We are seeking applicants with recent success in publishing in the top strategy and management journals; and a strong willingness and ability to teach strategy and/or entrepreneurship related subjects to undergraduates and MBAs... Prof. Avi Carmeli
7 April 2016

Research Assistant(s) with software programming skills

Research Assistant(s) needed to join a project at the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University.

Starting Date: Immediately
Flexible hours from home (~ 10 hours/week on average )

1. Programming experience with python (Must)
2. Ability to design/administer MySql database (Must)
3. Programming skills of web parsers (e.g., scrapy) and text analysis tools (e.g., Apache Solr) (not a must but helpful)

Please contact me with hourly rate requirements to:

Dr. Uriel Stettner 

7 April 2016 Teaching Assistant
  • Fundamentals of Strategy (BA, MBA, Internation MBA)
  • Strategic Innovation (MBA)
  • Business Simulation (Executive MBA)

Position description:

  • The teaching assistant is expected to help with administrative work, reviewing of written assignments (case analyses) and exams, and other course related duties.
  • All courses are taught in English


  • Must have completed an equivalent course in Strategic Management or possess relevant work experience
  • Track record of excellence
  • Proficiency in written English. 
Dr. Uriel Stettner 
Register here
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