Finance - Accounting Seminars

(Semester A - Academic Year 2015-2016)


Seminars are held at 11:00 in room 408 unless otherwise indicated

Date Speaker/Affiliation Title
20.10.2015 No Seminar  
Doron Avramov
Hebrew U
Mutual Fund Performance and Overpriced Stocks
Guy Kaplanski
Bar Ilan
Talking Numbers: Technical versus Fundamental Investment Recommendations
Azi Ben Raphael
Indiana U Bloomington
Institutional Investor Attention and Asset Prices
17.11.2015 Feng Zhang 
U of Utah
Characteristic-Based Expected Returns and Corporate Events 
24.11.2015 Qi Zeng
U Melbourne
A Dynamic Noisy Rational Expectation Model with Higher Order Beliefs
Augustin Landier
Toulouse School of Econ
Endogenous Agency Problems and the Dynamics of Rents
​(11:15, room 304)
David Zvilichovsky 
Recanati, TAU
(Crowd)Funding Innovation (Special seminar, joint with Strategy)
8.12.2015 Gil Aharoni
U Melbourne
Competition among Star Analysts and Firms’ Information Environment
15-16.12.2015 TAU Finance Conference  
(11:30, room 408)
Gill Segal
A Tale of Two Volatilities: Sectoral Uncertainty, Growth, and Asset-Prices (job talk)
22.12.2015 Alon Brav
How Does Hedge Fund Activism Reshape Corporate Innovation?
Itay Kama & Roby Lehavy
TAU & U Michigan
Management Expectations and Asymmetric Cost Behavior
14:00 room 408
Raffi Amit
Corporate Divestitures and Family Control
5.1.2016 Avner Kalay
Market Learning about the Stand-Alone Value of the Acquirer
12.1.2016 Abigail Hurwitz and Orly Sade
Hebrew U
Can Smoking Harm Your Long Term Saving Decisions?


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