Finance - Accounting Seminars

(Semester A- Academic Year 2023-2024)

Date Lecturer Affiliation Topic  


Effi Benmelech

Northwestern University 

Bank Branch Density and Bank Runs

Room 408

18/12/23 Nir Chemaya University of California Santa Barbara

Estimating Investor Preferences for Blockchain Security



Bernard Black

Northwestern University

The Dynamics of Corporate Governance:  Evidence from Brazil

Loke 004


Peleg Samuels





Ro’I Zultan

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Managerial Ownership and Moral Hazard



Julian Franks

London Business School

Resolving financial distress where property rights are not clearly defined: the case of China

Loke 001

28.5.24 Joshua Livnat
joint work with
Prof. Dan Segal,
Reichman University)
New York University Analyst Convictions and Market Reactions  
25.6.24 Idan Hodor Monash U Equity or Future Equity: A Moral Hazard Theory  
2.7.24 Miriam Schwartz-Ziv Hebrew University    
9.7.24 Doron Levit Washington University    
16.7.24 Thomas Hemmer Rice    
23.7.24 Andrew Ellul India    
2.7.24 Miriam Schwartz-Ziv The Hebrew University of Jerusalem When Is Shareholders’ Voice at Shareholders’ Meetings Limited and Does it Matter?  



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