Strategy Seminar 2018-2019

Coller School of Management

Academic Year 2018-2019
Room: Recanati 306
Wednesday at 11:15-12:30

Strategy-Seminars 2019-2020 
Strategy-Seminars 2018-2019
Strategy-Seminars 2017-2018 
Strategy-Seminars 2016-2017 semester II
Strategy-Seminars 2016-2017 semester I
Strategy-Seminars 2015-2016 
Strategy-Seminars 2014-2015 
Strategy-Seminars 2013-2014 


Date Speaker/Affiliation Presentation Comment
17.10.18 Alex Krumer,
Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences,
Molde University College
Discouragement Effect and Intermediate Prizes in Multi-Stage Contests: Evidence from Davis Cup
(Joint with Hamzah Iqbal)
24.10.18 --Cancelled--    
31.10.18 Yevgeny Tsodikovich,
O.R. and Statistics Department,
​Tel Aviv University
Tacit Collusion via Asynchronous Play
7.11.18 --Cancelled--    
14.11.18 Moran Koren,
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management,
The Implications of Pricing on Social Learning
21.11.18 Shay Lavie,
Faculty of Law,
Tel Aviv University
Judgement Contingent Settlements
(Joint with Avraham Tabbach)
28.11.18 Edith Sand,
Research Department,
​Bank of Israel
Charity Begins at Home (and at School): Effects of Religion-Based Discrimination in Education
(Joint with Victor Lavy and Moses Shayo)
5.12.18 Tomer Blumkin,
Department of Economics,
Ben Gurion University

Relative Ambition and the Role of Wage Secrecy in Labor Contracts
(Joint with David Lagziel)



6.12.18 The 8th Annual Israeli I.O. Day   The Hebrew University
12.12.18 Matthias Blonski,
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
Goethe University Frankfurt
Moral Hazard with Excess Returns
(Joint with Ulf von Lilienfeld-Toal)
The lecture will start at 11:05
19.12.18 Yotam Shem Tov,
Department of Economics,
Does Incarceration Increase Crime
(Joint with Evan K. Rose)
Job Talk
23.12.18 Michael E. Kummer,
School of Economics,
Georgia Institute of Technology
Market Concentration and Privacy in Online Markets
(Joint with Reinhold Kesler and Patrick Schulte)
The lecture will take place on
Sunday at 11:00-12:30.
Joint seminar with the Technology & Information Management Group
26.12.18 Rani Spiegler,
School of Economics,
Tel Aviv University
A Model of Competing Narratives
(Joint with Kfir Eliaz)
2.1.19 Ariel Rubinstein,
School of Economics,
Tel Aviv University;
Department of Economics,
New York University
Normative Equilibrium: The Permissible and the Forbidden as Devices for Bringing Order to Economic Environments
(Joint with Michael Richter)
9.1.19 Kobi Glazer,
Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University
Department of Economics, The University of Warwick
Fake Persuasion
(Joint with Helios Herrera and Motty Perry)
27.2.19 Christoph Vanberg,
Department of Economics,
University of Heidelberg
Logrolling Affects the Relative Performance of Alternative q-Majority Rules
6.3.19 Yotam Margalit,
Department of Political Science,
Tel Aviv University
How Markets Shape Social Values and Political Preferences: A Field Experiment
13.3.19 Ori Weisel,
School of Management,
Tel Aviv University
The Complementarity of Centralized and Decentralized Institutions in Fostering Cooperation
(Joint with Till Olaf Weber and Simon Gächter)​
20.3.19 -- --  
27.3.19 Fernando Luco,
Department of Economics,
Texas A&M University
Does Strategic Ability Affect Efficiency? Evidence from Electricity Markets
(Joint with Ali Hortaçsu, Steven Puller and Dongni Zhu)
3.4.19 Matan Tsur,
Department of Economics,
University of Vienna
Information Design in Competitive Insurance Markets
(Joint with Daniel Garcia)
10.4.19 Phillippos Louis,
Department of Economics,
University of Cyprus
M Equilibrium: A Dual Theory of Beliefs and Choices in Games
(Joint with Jacob Goeree and Lucas Pahl)
30.4.19 David Balan
Bureau of Economics,
Federal Trade Commission
Mergers and Product Quality

Room 407
1.5.19 Chaim Freshtman,
School of Economics,
Tel Aviv University
A Computational Framework for Analyzing Dynamic Procurement Auctions: The Market Impact of Information Sharing
(Joint with John Asker, Jihye Jeon and Ariel Pakes)
15.5.19 Abi Adams,
Department of Economics,
University of Oxford
What Do Consumers Consider Before they Choose? Identification from Asymmetric Demand Responses
(Joint with Jason Abaluck)
22.5.19 Dan Zeltzer,
School of Economics,
Tel Aviv University
Drug Diffusion through Peer Networks: The Influence of Industry Payments
(Joint with Leila Agha)
29.5.19 Joshua Goodman,
Kennedy School of Government,
​Harvard University
Heat and Learning
(Joint with Michael Hurwitz, R. Jisung Park and Jonathan Smith)
5.6.19 TBD    
12.6.19 --Cancelled--   Annual faculty meeting
19.6.19-20.6.19 The 4th Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics (CCBE)   program
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